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Vision 2025 : Members Council on Library Services: Innovation in Education

This guide is intended to spark discussion surrounding efforts by the academic libraries in Florida to create a shared vision for disruptive change and in higher education to improve student and faculty success.

Innovation in Disruptive Technologies

Many of the jobs that college students today  will fulfill in 2025 have not been created yet simply because the technologies that will drive these innovations are still in their infancy. The pace of  disruptive technological change is entering an exponential growth phase across the globe. This disruptive environment will require innovative ways for higher education institutions to prepare and respond more rapidly. Vision 2025 will assist in organizing those efforts for dynamic innovation in education.

Disruptive Technology 1: Artificial Intelligence

Five ways artificial intelligence will shape the future of universities



Example of Artificial Intelligence Programs in Education

Paper Rater: Using Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, submissions are analyzed in real-time with results typically appearing 5-15 seconds after submission. Our cloud-based software digs deep into the syntax and structure of your text without the need to signup, login, or download. You won't find another tool offering plagiarism checking, automated proofreading, grammar check, and automated scoring that can analyze your text this quickly. : 


Disruptive Technology 2: Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality has the potential to be a disruptive technology in higher education. Vision 2025 will fund  and foster the development of original content, provide a platform for content distribution, and encourage access to cutting edge hardware platforms.

Education 3.0 : How Virtual Reality Will Change the Way We Learn


Disruptive Technology 3: 3D Printing

3D printing has the potential to revolutionize the production of everything from houses to human hearts.