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360 GLE: Global Learning Experiences Database

This guide will show how to use the 360 GLE database.

How to Access the 360 GLE  Content:

After you log in, you can explore our content in three different ways: 

    1) With this linkyou can see all of our current tours (Business, Global Perspectives, Humanities, and Science) in a complete list with thumbnails and titles. 

    2) This link takes you to our 360 GLE Index, which is a drop-down menu to quickly review each tour's information (Area of Study, Subtopics, and Scenes) and direct link.

    3) Finally, you can use our Video Library to navigate our content using tags referring to topics and subtopics. Each video includes a description and a direct link to the tour. Videos can also be used alone by copying the link. 

Our ready-to-use online courses can be found here. Again, all you have to do is register using your institution's email, and then you can enroll in any program you are interested in.

This is the link to the Global 360 – Cultural Studies course