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Library and Learning Commons Newsletter: January/February 2016

The FSCJ Library and Leanring Commons Newsletter provides readers with concise and current news about events, programs and activities within the LLCs.

LLC News for the Month!

Downtown Campus

New Materials

Assessment: How are we doing?

Do users find the LLC Guides "Helpful"?

Surveys show that users mostly Strongly Agree or Agree that they do!


Newsletter Feedback

From the Executive Dean

Florida State College at Jacksonville's Libraries continue to make great strides in providing students, faculty and staff with access to many of the most comprehensive full text journal collections available. By leveraging the database licensing power of Florida's 40 colleges and universities, FSCJ is able to provide access to online resources at a fraction of the cost of single institution licensing. This leveraged licensing power not only saves students and the organization tens of thousands of dollars each year in access fees, but also provides access to a greater array of database resources that support all of the colleges' academic programs.

This semester brings new access to two highly respected full text online collections from the Ebsco and Wiley Collections.



CINAHL Complete (credit: )

CINAHL Complete is the definitive research tool for nursing and allied health professionals. With CINAHL Complete, users get fast and easy full-text access to top journals, evidence-based care sheets, quick lessons and more.

•Full text for more than 1,400 journals indexed in CINAHL Database

•Indexing for more than 5,400 journals

•Searchable cited references for more than 1,500 journals

•Full text dating back to 1937

•Nearly 5 million records

•Author affiliations

CINAHL Complete provides broad content coverage including 50 nursing specialties, speech and language pathology, nutrition, general health and medicine and more.




The Wiley Online Library (credit: )

Firmly established as the world's leading society publisher, Wiley offers an exceptional portfolio of over 4 million articles from 1,500 journals. Half of which are published in partnership with prestigious international scholarly and professional societies. Journal titles cover the full spectrum of life, health and physical sciences, social science and the humanities, and include many titles ranked at the forefront of their field.

The proportion of Wiley journal titles indexed in the 2014 release of Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports® (JCR) continued to increase. A total of 1,202 Wiley titles (approximately 70%) were indexed, up from 1,193 in the 2012 JCR, and including 13 titles which have been indexed for the first time.

 Wiley journals were indexed in 217 of 232 JCR subject categories. Of these, 27 Wiley journals achieved a top category rank, up from 25 in 2012 while 193 titles are placed within the top 10% of their subject category.


◾1,202 Wiley journals now have an Impact Factor

◾27 Wiley journals received a top category rank, up from 25 in 2012

◾244 Wiley Journals achieved a top ten category rank

◾Wiley titles now account for the largest share of journals in 42 categories

◾CA - A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, a Wiley published journal, continues to have the highest Impact Factor in the JCR.

Downtown Campus LLC News and Events

Tutor Profile: Nick Bodnar

At Downtown campus, we highly value our tutors in the Library and Learning Commons. Nick Bodnar is one of those esteemed and appreciated individuals who works hard to help students in the area of writing. We interviewed Nick to showcase his unique skills and to help you get to know him! Read below to see what he has to say about his work as a tutor. 

Nick Bodnar holds a B.A. in English and an M.A. in History, both from the University of North Florida. Nick lives in Neptune Beach and is a graduate of Fletcher High School. His interests include learning languages and reading as much as he can about them.                                     



Q and A: Nick Bodnar 

Q. You’re our veteran writing tutor. What is one of your secrets to helping students succeed?

A. One of the best ways to help students succeed both in and out of the classroom is to be patient no matter how difficult the tutoring session is. Students often come to us as a last resort, and showing some kind of empathy helps to alleviate the student's stress and to build a level of trust that allows a session to move forward successfully. When students trust tutors, they're more likely to be repeat customers and to become more open to learning and the experiences that come with it. In fact, I believe if tutors are patient, students begin to view the difficulties associated with learning as challenges that can be overcome instead of immovable roadblocks.

Q. What is the biggest challenge you have faced as a tutor?

A. A big challenge for tutors, especially those who also teach, is drawing the line between teaching and tutoring. Teaching is presenting students with new information and helping them disseminate that information. Tutoring, on the other hand, is helping students process and understand information they have already been given. A tutor has to hold back in presenting new concepts and ideas to students so that the teacher can present it to them in the classroom. This can be especially difficult when working with a student who is eager to learn; however, it's best not to preempt classroom learning because the tutor's job isn't to teach.

Stay tuned for more tutor profiles and interviews. Get to know the tutors who work to help you achieve academic success here at the Downtown LLC! 


South Campus LLC News and Events

Student Sign-in Revamped


Welcome back, everyone! We are ringing in the new year with some fresh changes here at the South Campus LLC. One of those changes are the iPad sign-in kiosks near the entrance of our learning center. These kiosks are a more intuitive method for students to sign-in to utilize the services at the Library and Learning Commons. All that is required is a quick swipe of a student ID card or to punch in a student username. By selecting the services or facilities they are coming to take advantage of, it allows us to better track how and when students are using our services and, based on that data, how we can better tailor our services to meet their specific needs.

After a semester of using Accudemia as the new host database for our previous kiosks, we have learned more about what it can do and how to better utilize it in order to gather more accurate data. As we continue to use Accudemia in the coming terms on our new iPad sign-in stations, we hope to enhance the students’ learning experience in the Library and Learning Commons by providing higher quality, more user-friendly technology and services to appeal to the culture of the current demographic.

New Multimedia Lab on Campus

More changes are coming to the LLC here at South Campus! Starting in the Spring semester, our under-utilized MAC lab will be taken over by the Associate Dean of the Fine Arts department at South Campus. Finally, those computers will be used, and the area will serve as the location for the campus' Converged Communications and Digital Media lab. Dr. Troy Johnson will be ushering in his own set of student tutors who will be skilled in Adobe CC 2015 competencies and areas of both Converged Communications and Digital Media. This is beneficial to the Learning Commons because the new location will bring in more students from the four-year degree programs, something that has since been a difficult feat. We are excited for the addition to the floor and look forward to seeing the positive effects of this transition.

Spring 2016 Hours

We heard you! In the Spring semester, we are increasing our hours to better accommodate your busy schedule! Below is a chart of our new, extended hours for the Spring term. However, while the facilities will now be available for student use, all tutoring ends at 8pm Mon-Thurs, and there will be no tutoring on Sundays. For any questions regarding hours of operation, please refer to our Facebook page,, or call the South LLC Information Desk at (904) 646-2174.



Staff Highlight

Give it up for our hardworking Science Advisor II, Dave Princehorn! You may know Dave as the guy who’s always on his feet. Good luck trying to find him in his office…because he’s constantly on the LLC floor, ready and willing to help those in need. Struggling with that chemistry final that’s due in 30 minutes? Just flip your red cup and await the magic. Math, chemistry, and physics students, stress no more! With almost 11 years of experience in tutoring at FSCJ, Dave will be by your side through all the blood, sweat, and tears. Despite his high level of expertise, Dave shies away from the spotlight. When gathering information for this bio, second to his request to remain anonymous, was Dave's insistence to give credit to his amazing team: “We have an excellent crew here. Our tutors are great—that’s where the credit should go.” We’re incredibly lucky to have such a knowledgeable and eager member on the LLC team!

Want to give your own shoutout? Spread the love by using #llcshoutout to recognize your favorite tutor!

Social Media

New things are always happening here! Look out for updates and events on our social media pages! Like our Facebook page and follow us on Instagram and Twitter!

And don’t forget to give us feedback on any aspect of the LLC! We love to hear from you!



Instagram: @FSCJ_LLC_SOUTH





LLC Renovations

New! New! New!

Over the past several semesters, the LLC has been evolving in ways that, we hope, better support students’ needs. Some of the changes you may have already noticed are the new Welcome Desk arrangement, the newly established lounge area near the Writing Lab, the relocation of the study cubicles, the addition of new study rooms, and new signage.

Another change coming is the installation of fresh carpet! We are excited to create a more modern, open feel to the Learning Commons, and we invite you to provide your feedback! How do you feel about the renovations? What renovations do you feel would make the area a better place for you to learn and study?

Chat it up on our social media pages! #theLLCistheplacetobe
