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Library and Learning Commons Newsletter: October 2015

The FSCJ Library and Leanring Commons Newsletter provides readers with concise and current news about events, programs and activities within the LLCs.

Monthly Newsletter

New Materials

Faculty / Staff Spotlight

James Campbell-Top 20 Under 40


North Campus Learning Commons Manager James Campbell was honored as one of the Top 20 Under 40 by the Jacksonville Black Pages and was featured as one of the honorees during this year's Black Expo.  The Top 20 Under 40 award honors young African Americans who have excelled professionally and as community leaders. The North Campus family is proud of James and his accomplishment. 

Tutoring Service Spotlight

New Nursing Tutor-Patrice Harris


The North Campus LLC is pleased to announce the availability of a new service--nursing tutoring.  We are pleased to have Patrice Harris join our staff as a PT Nursing Tutor.  During high school, Patrice was a dual enrollment student at FCCJ and went on to pursue her A.S. at the College.  She then matriculated to Florida State University, where she received a Bachelor's degree in Exercise Sciences.  Patrice is currently a Term 3 (out of 4) nursing student in the Associate Degree in Nursing program at FSCJ.  We are excited that Patrice has joined us and happy that we are now able to provide tutoring to support one of the flagship programs at North Campus.  


Library Resource Spotlight

Did you know?

Academic Search Complete, designed specifically for academic institutions, is the world's most valuable and comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 5,300 full-text periodicals, including 4,400 peer-reviewed journals. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 9,300 journals and a total of 10,900 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc. The database features PDF content going back as far as 1865, with the majority of full text titles in native (searchable) PDF format. Try it today!

Academic Search Complete (be sure to log in!)

Assessment: How are we doing?

Does the Library meet your needs? Surveys to date show that over 90% of respondents "Agree" or "Strongly Agree" that it meets their needs! Let us know what you think!

Newsletter Feedback

From the Executive Dean

Welcome to the inaugural issue of the Library and Learning Commons (LLC) newsletter here at Florida State College at Tom MessnerJacksonville!  The objective of this new publication is to provide a regular update on the amazing resources, services, and programs offered through the LLCs, and to highlight the students, faculty, and staff who play such an important role in our shared success.

The LLC’s mission is to provide high quality academic library resources and tutoring support services to the students, faculty and staff of the College.  In addition to academic support for the College, the LLC staff are actively involved in providing community outreach and services that align with the mission of the College.  The stories you will find here provide a “sampling” of the many activities and events occurring at campuses all across the College.

This newsletter platform intends to be a sandbox for interactive converged communication, bring together LLC news, information, and data through various links, feedback opportunities, social media, surveys, infographics, and more. Each issue will provide concise information about a highlighted resource or service that we hope you find useful.

 Please let us know how we may be able to improve this newsletter, or any aspect of LLC resources, services or operations.  Thank you!

 Tom Messner

Executive Dean of Library and Learning Commons

North Campus LLC News and Events

National Tutoring Week

The National Tutoring Association designated October 5-9, 2015, as National Tutoring Week, and North Campus took this opportunity to show appreciation to all of our academic tutors for the outstanding work that they do in serving our students.  We provided opportunities for students to post notes of thanks to the tutors and included other acts of appreciation in this week of celebration.                                                                                                                              



Upcoming Event:  From November 30-December 3, 2015, the LLC will host its annual Stress Relief Week.  LLC hours will be extended until 10:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday, and tutors will be available to assist students with preparations for their finals.  Snacks will be available directly outside the LLC from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. each day, and a breakfast treat will be served at 7:00 p.m. nightly.  In addition, students from the Massage Therapy program will be available to provide massages on December 1 and 2 from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Additionally, tutors are also offering targeted study sessions in math, writing, and science throughout the week. We encourage students to come out and take advantage of this additional academic support and to enjoy some respite and relaxation from their studies.

Upcoming Event:  On Tuesday, December 1, 2015, members of the LLC will participate in the College's "Giving Tuesday." Members of the campus community will work with JEA and Greenscape to plant 50 trees on campus to enhance the natural beauty of North Campus.  In addition, student ambassadors will be accepting donations of new, unwrapped toys for donation to Wolfson Children's Hospital.  


South Campus LLC News and Events

Conference Presentation

Ms. Tia Esposito presented a poster session at the Florida Association of College and Research Libraries in Gainesville Fl. on October 16. Her session explored the importance of the user experience (UX)  on mobile devices used for library research.

Ms. Esposito noted that mobile device users expect quick access to the exact piece of information or resource that they are searching for. "3 clicks" should bring the user to the resource. When sources require more than 3 clicks to locate, the user often gets lost, or loses interest in locating the resource. Mobile websites should be responsive, easy to use, and efficiently reduce user time on task.

Tutor Appreciation Month

October is a time to celebrate Tutor Appreciation Week. This annual celebration provides an opportunity for students and faculty to show their appreciation to tutors who have helped them during times of academic challenge. This year, students and faculty pasted hundreds of "stars" within the LLC to show how much they love and appreciate the hard work of FSCJ's wonderful academic tutors.

Upcoming event: The South Campus LLC will be collecting food items to support Thanksgiving baskets through November, 15 th. Please consider donating  canned or boxed food items to those less fortunate during this holiday season. Donations can be dropped off at the LLC Circulation desk.

Upcoming event: The South Campus LLC will also be participating in the College-wide Community Connections "Day of Caring" program. This year, the LLC will be collecting unused infant and children blankets to support women and children in our community. Please consider supporting this wonderful program by donating an unused blanket at the South Campus LLC Circulation desk before December 1, 2015.