(Gale) - Academic OneFile provides peer-reviewed, full-text articles from leading journals and reference sources. Includes coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and, other subjects.
(EBSCO) - Applied Science and Technology Source combines content from these high-quality databases:
Computers & Applied Sciences Complete
Applied Science & Technology Full Text
Applied Science & Technology Index
Applied Science & Technology Index Retrospective
In addition, it includes unique full-text journals not previously available in any other database. Applied Science & Technology Source focuses on traditional engineering challenges and research, as well as research concerning the business and social implications of new technology.
(Gale) - Computer Database provides access to leading business and technical publications in the computer, telecommunications, and electronics industries. The database includes computer-related product introductions, news and reviews in areas such as hardware, software, electronics, engineering, communications, and the application of technology.
(Gale) - All aspects of the Nursing profession -- from direct patient care to health care administration -- are covered in this collection. Including nearly 400 titles, this collection's current and authoritative content will be of use to both professionals already working in the field as well as students pursuing a nursing-focused curriculum.
(EBSCO) - Provides full-text, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in psychology. It contains more than 100,000 articles from 59 journals - 48 published by the American Psychological Association (APA) and 11 from allied organizations. It includes all journal articles, letters to the editor, and errata from each journal. Coverage spans 1894 to present.
(Gale) - Psychology Collection provides access to academic journals and magazines that cover the study of emotions, personality, and the human mind. The database offers content of interest to both researchers and general users.
(Sage Publications) - Sage is the world’s 5th largest journals publisher. Our portfolio includes more than 645 journals spanning the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology, and Medicine, and more than 280 are published on behalf of 225 learned societies and institutions.
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