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BSC 1005: Life in Its Biological Environment

This guide is designed to provide library research support for BSC1005.

Early Theories of Evolution

Some of the Unusual Animals Darwin Saw

  Galapágos Creatures--some of the unusual animals that Darwin saw on the Galapágos islands

Video clip from "Evolution:Constant Change and Common Threads".  (Howard HugMedical Institute, 2005) 

(length = 24 secs.)

Books on Evolution

ebooks on Evolution

Audio Recording of Darwin's Diary

click this icon to hear the following audio interview  Darwin's Beagle Diary
       audio recording of excerpts from
       Darwin's popular account of his
       voyage of exploration.  This link
       takes you to an external website.
       To return here, you must click
       the "back" button on your
       browser program.
       (length = 68 mins, 19 secs)