The book on which the film, The Sea Inside, is based on is titled: Cartas Desde el Infierno (Letters from the Inferno).
This book is unavailable in English. The FSCJ Library and Learning Commons does not own a copy in Spanish.
You can borrow the title in Spanish through interlibrary loan (ILL) using WorldCat. Please allow for a minimum of two weeks before you receive the book.
This title is unavailable in English. You might find new or used copies in Spanish through the following website:
No FREE streaming options at this time.
You can RENT the film through:
YouTube for $1.99
Google Play Movies & TV for $1.99
Amazon Prime Video for $1.99
iTunes for $2.99
The links to the book and the film should be current. If you find that a link is broken or the film is no longer available through a recommended streaming service, please let us know.
Also, please note that there are other films and books with the same title, but the titles listed on this LibGuide are the titles you should use for class.