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Research Skills Mini Course


The Research Skills Mini Course is a short, free online course designed to prepare FSCJ students to succeed in college and career. 


The Modules

Please see the infographic below for a complete listing of the Research Skills modules. Mouse over the name of the module to learn more about the module. For those who prefer the information in PDF format, see below.

For Students

The Research Skills Mini Course is designed to teach students essential college research skills in a fast-paced and engaging way that puts students in control.

  • The course is free and non-credit bearing.
  • Students enroll themselves and work through the modules at their own pace
  • Each module takes an hour or less to complete
  • Modules are designed to be engaging
  • Students who complete the course earn the Information Literacy Certified digital badge


Click on the image to register for the course

For Faculty

Faculty are encouraged to assign modules of the Research Skills Mini Course to their students. 

  • Modules were developed in consultation with FSCJ syllabi, national standards, and faculty focus groups.
  • Perfect for asynchronous, live online, and face-to-face courses
  • All modules include quizzes and assignments designed to help students practice key information literacy concepts
  • All quizzes and assignments are graded by librarians
  • Feature videos by award-winning educational videographer Joshua Vossler

Click on the "Faculty Resources" tab above for more information