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Resources for Presenting Research and Projects



What is an Academic Conference?


First and foremost, think of academic conferences as large social events with formal and informal programming. They are how researchers connect and stay up to date with the latest research in their fields, as well as catch up with their peers across institutions.

Conferences can vary in length, some are only a day long and others can last up to a week. Typically they occur once a year and are affiliated with discipline-specific associations.

Academic conferences can also have local, regional, national, or international audiences. It all depends on what you are looking for!

Each conference has different rules for submitting work, the review process, and how they like you to present your work.



Why Present at an Academic Conference?

Getting your name out there and building your CV/resume as a student is key whether you plan on pursuing a career in academia or not. At conferences you can do both!

Depending on the conference, you can submit your work as an undergraduate or graduate student.

Conferences are amazing networking opportunities.


Suggested Conferences

Florida Collegiate Honors Council – 


Southern Regional Honors Council – 



What is a Bio?

It is a biographical summary highlighting your credentials and accomplishments.  Written in third person and using paragraph form, it is an opportunity to share specific information that should celebrate and describe your accomplishments.

Why Should I Write One?

There are many reasons to write a bio. Most often bios are used for publicity (programs, conference presentations, flyers, websites, newspaper/magazine advertisements, or applications). Your reader is likely going to be a potential employer, a competition judge, conference/symposium attendee, or the general public.

What to Include

Start by making a list of items for your bio. This is raw material you might consider including in your bio, so don't self-censor. Write it all down and worry about editing it later. Stick with the facts; be careful not to embellish, exaggerate or fabricate, because it might come back to haunt you. Be accurate and honest in how you present yourself.

How Long Should It Be?

Various length bios may be requested.  Create different versions of your bio including a long version (full page), a medium version (200-250 words, 6-8 sentences) and a short version (100 words, 3-5 sentences).  Consider adding your web address so that interested parties will find more information about you, if applicable to the setting. 


What is an Abstract?

A brief comprehensive description (frequently <100 words for conferences) of a piece of writing that highlights major points and findings and summarizes your interpretations and conclusions.

An abstract is NOT a simple summary or critique.

Parts of an Abstract

Motivation/problem statement: Why do we care about the problem? What practical, scientific, theoretical or artistic gap is your research filling?
Methods/procedure/approach: What did you actually do to get your results? (e.g. analyzed 3 novels, completed a series of 5 oil paintings, interviewed 17 students)
Results/findings/product: As a result of completing the above procedure, what did you learn/invent/create?
Conclusion/implications: What are the larger implications of your findings, especially for the problem/gap identified in step 1?

Function of an Abstract

  • Attention grabbing. The abstract is often the first contact a reader has with your document.
  • An elevator pitch to convince others why they should read your work.
  • Should tell readers whether they want to look at your article in more detail.
  • Enables readers to quickly evaluate the relevance of an article to their own work.
  • Enables readers interested in the document to find it in indexes and databases.

Tips for Writing an Abstract

  • Write the abstract after finishing the paper.
  • Be accurate. Only include information in the original document.
  • Be concise, get right to the point and use precise language. Include only 4 or 5 of the most important concepts, findings or implications.
  • Do not refer to the author (e.g., “Dr. Seuss argues”).
  • Do not refer to what type of document you are abstracting (e.g., “This book describes”).
  • Use active verbs whenever possible.
  • Use complete sentences.
  • Avoid jargon or colloquialisms.
  • Use familiar terminology whenever you can (and always explain terms that may be unfamiliar to the average reader).


Sourced From Kent State Libraries