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Archives and Special Collections

This guide serves as the home page for the Archives and Special Collections Department at Florida State College at Jacksonville

Preservation Assessment Plan

Preservation Areas Level* Time Frame** Action Update

I. Building/facility characteristics, including structure and maintenance

Acceptable n/a Structure and maintenance are high quality: no action required  

II. Environment of the building, including climate control, lighting, pests, housekeeping, fire protection, and security

Acceptable n/a Overall environment and climate conditions are acceptable. Continue to monitor: no new action required Humidity and temperature monitors installed 2018

III. Policies that affect preservation of collections, including emergency preparedness, disaster response, security, exhibit, circulation, and loan

Needs Improvement 1

Policies need continued development until complete.Submit NEH Grant funding application for Preservation Assessment  and training.

Disaster Plan



Collection Development Plan

Exhibit Plan

Grant application submitted spring 2018. Not funded by NEH

Grant submitted  01/2019 focusing on disaster planning.


Draft 01/2019


In development 2018

IV. Storage and exhibit areas, including shelving/case types and their condition as well as shelving and exhibit practices

Needs Improvement 1

Significant needs for archival shelving and storage units to accommodate the growing collection.

Seek  NEH Preservation Assistance grant funding for storage and equipment

NEH Grant submitted 01/2019

V. Condition of the collection

Needs Improvement 2 Significant amount of sub-collections remain in boxes, unsorted, unclassified. Seek assistance with collection evaluation using PSAP tools.  Self-assessment and PSAP tools integrated in LibGuides for use

VI. Storage and handling practices, including use of protective enclosures, shelving practices, and staff handling

Needs Improvement 1

Seek NEH Preservation Assistance grant funding for team training in disaster planning, preservation, material handling, and best practices.

Staff attend local NEFLIN and other professional organization archive training opportunities.

Seek assistance from other local archives such as UNF and JPL.

NEH Grant application submitted spring 2018. Not funded by NEH.

NEH Grant submitted  01/2019 

* Levels: Acceptable: meet current requirements; Needs Improvement: Elements needs action to gain acceptable level

** Time Frame for action: 1: Less than twelve months; 2: One-three years; 3: Three - five years

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Preservation Assessment Plan Resources

The department  integrates a self-assessment process using the Preservation Self-Assessment Program (PSAP)  resources  provided online through the University of Illinois to guide preservation process improvement.  The department uses the tools, guides, and other resources provided by the PSAP to guide a continuing evaluation of materials, storage/exhibit environments, and institutional policies.  Links to the resources on the PSAP site are included here for easy refferal.