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Dual Enrollment Student Resources

Resources designed to assist local high school dual enrollment students in successfully completing classes at Florida State College at Jacksonville.

Get Help from an FSCJ Librarian

                Picture of digital librarian            You have access to a wealth of support from your FSCJ librarian. Your librarian can instruct your class on various information literacy topics, provide access to relevant videos and tutorials, or facilitate access to the Research Skills Mini Course.

You can also request to have a librarian embedded in your course!  Embedded librarianship is a form of ongoing library support for your classroom. Embedded librarians can attend classes, present customized research instruction, and run discussion boards in the Canvas course shell. For more information about embedded librarianship, click here.

Please click on the link below to request library services, including embedded librarianship. 


FSCJ YouTube Channel

Research Skills Mini Course