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The arts traditionally play a major role in the liberal arts education by connecting students to those intangible characteristics that define what it means to be creatively human. The arts are customarily divided into two major categories: (1) fine arts and (2) performing arts. Fine arts include painting, sculpture, ceramics (pottery), photography, printmaking, and computer art. Performing arts include music, dance, and theater. Performing arts do not produce stand-alone artifacts. Artifacts created through performing arts such as musical scores, dance choreography, and theatrical plays must be performed to be fully realized. The function of art can be dependent on several factors such as place, period, purpose (religious or ritual), and cultural. The form of art tends to be reflective of the culture in which the art is produced.



Hodges, R. A. (2020). Arts. In M. E. David, & M. J. Amey (Eds.), The SAGE encyclopedia of higher education. Sage UK. Credo Reference: