Now that you have a better understanding of the Scientific Method from the previous tab, let's find some Scientific Research articles! PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE LOGGED INTO THE LIBRARY WEBSITE TO ACCESS ARTICLES BELOW.
What are databases?
The Library databases listed here are collections of journal articles searchable by author, title, keywords, subject indexing terms, and sometimes every word in the articles. They may contain or link to the full text of the articles, or they may contain abstracts of the articles.
Journal articles can be useful sources of information for almost any subject area. They contain current information or research, and are usually written on specific aspects of a topic.
Use research databases to search for articles on a specific topic. Databases can be accessed from off campus by current FSCJ students and employees. For instructions on remote access to our databases please see the "Login Information" tab on this guide.
To search for articles in our journals, please refer to the listing of subject relevant databases below on this page.
Get Started:
(EBSCO) - Academic Search Complete, designed specifically for academic institutions, is the world's most valuable and comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 5,300 full-text periodicals, including 4,400 peer-reviewed journals. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 9,300 journals and a total of 10,900 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc. The database features PDF content going back as far as 1865, with the majority of full text titles in native (searchable) PDF format.
Funded by Statewide Allocation
(Gale) - Includes more than 4,200 full-text titles; five newspaper indexes -- a total of nearly 8,000 titles in all with more than 20 years of backfile coverage from 1980 to present. InfoTrac OneFile makes approximately 25 million database records available with a single search query. It includes newswires from 89 wire services, newspapers, general interest magazines, refereed academic journals, business publications, technology periodicals, and specialty titles in law, health care and computers
Funded by State Library of Florida (FEL)
(JSTOR) - Access to back issues of core journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Over 700 titles available.
Funded by Statewide Allocation
(ProQuest) - Large aggregated full-text database totaling more than 11,250 titles—with over 8,400 titles in full text. It serves as the central resource for researchers at all levels in all markets.
Funded by College (FLVC Group License)
(Gale) - Explore this database of encyclopedias and reference sources within the Gale eBooks platform. For multidisciplinary research.
Funded by College and Statewide
(Gale) - With broad coverage of agriculture and its related fields, this collection provides a comprehensive view of this growing body of knowledge. Comprised of nearly 200 titles, researchers will have access to current and authoritative content that spans the industry -- from practical aspects of farming to cutting edge scientific research in horticulture.
Funded by State Library of Florida (FEL)
CINAHL Ultimate is the definitive full-text database for nursing and allied health research. It offers full-text access to a substantial portion of the most frequently cited journals in the CINAHL index, surpassing other databases. Providing 1,815 active full-text journals valued at $478,475.88, this database covers over 50 nursing specialties. Additionally, it features full-text quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, continuing education modules, nursing instructional videos, and more.
Funded by Statewide Allocation
(Gale) - A searchable Environmental Issues and Policy electronic collection.
Funded by State Library of Florida (FEL)
(EBSCO) - This resource offers a unique perspective on the positive and negative ways humans affect the environment. Drawing on the connection between the environment and disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology, GreenFILE serves as an informative resource for anyone concerned about the issues facing our planet. GreenFILE indexes scholarly and general interest titles, as well as government documents and reports. It contains nearly 300,000 records, full text for selected titles and searchable cited references for more than 200 titles.
Funded by Statewide Allocation
(EBSCO) - Applied Science and Technology Source combines content from these high-quality databases:
Computers & Applied Sciences Complete
Applied Science & Technology Full Text
Applied Science & Technology Index
Applied Science & Technology Index Retrospective
In addition, it includes unique full-text journals not previously available in any other database. Applied Science & Technology Source focuses on traditional engineering challenges and research, as well as research concerning the business and social implications of new technology.
Funded by Statewide Allocation
(Elsevier) - NOTE: FSCJ has access to Open Access only. Select the Open Access filter to see full-test.
ScienceDirect is Elsevier’s leading information solution for researchers, teachers, students, health care professionals and information professionals . It combines authoritative, full-text scientific, technical and health publications with smart, intuitive functionality so that you can stay informed in your field, and can work more effectively and efficiently.
Funded by Other
Biorxiv - The preprint server for biology bioRxiv (pronounced "bio-archive") is a free online archive and distribution service for unpublished preprints in the life sciences. It is operated by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, a not-for-profit research and educational institution.
Sea Grant Digital Library [via National Sea Grant Library]