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BSN Nursing Program

Resources for the AS, BSN, and Practical Nursing Programs

Nursing E-Journals

To access more than 300 nursing journals, use the FSCJ library catalog and the eJournals link.

You can search by title, or browse by subject area.

If you need to use peer-reviewed or refereed journals CINAHL (see link below)  allows a limit to peer-reviewed journals in the Limit your results section. PubMed does not have this option, however, the majority of journals indexed in PubMed are peer-reviewed.

Some of the more popular nursing eJournals in the profession include:

American Journal of Nursing

Nursing Inquiry

Nursing Science Quarterly

Western Journal of Nursing Research

Research and Theory for Nursing Practice

Nurse Practitioner: The American Journal of Primary Healthcare

Journal of Clinical Nursing

Nursing Outlook

Journal of Emergency Nursing

Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners

Journal of Nursing Care Quality

Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing

Journal of Gerontological Nursing

Journal of Nursing Scholarship

Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing

Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health


CINAHL Ultimate now offers PICO searching