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Cultural Competencies


North Campus Cultural Competence Resource Center and Library

The North Campus Library and Learning Commons is pleased to announce the availability of a new collection—The North Campus Cultural Competence Resource Center and Library. The North Campus Cultural Resource Center and Library is a part of the Northeast Florida Initiative for Nursing Workforce Diversity and is designed to promote awareness of diversity along many parameters. The collection fosters an understanding of diversity and inclusion theories, diversity in healthcare, and the unique issues affecting various affinity groups.  It also supports the development of the overarching cultural competence and literacy needed to be successful in an increasingly global society, a key goal at Florida State College at Jacksonville, which seeks to “inspire students to a lifetime commitment to continued  learning, informed civic engagement, ethical leadership, cultural appreciation, social responsibility and multicultural awareness in an interconnected world.”

The collection is fully circulating and includes books and audiovisual materials.  It is located directly across from the Academic Success Center service desk inside the LLC. We are excited about the potential uses of this collection by members of our academic community, especially those who are involved in North Campus’s many health-related programs. We invite you to stop by to peruse and check out materials from the collection.

For further information regarding the collection, please contact one of the following library liaisons: 
Mary Dumbleton | (904) 766-6715   or   Youlanda Henry | (904) 766-6765

*Funding for the collection was provided through a grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration, in support of the College's Northeast Florida Initiative for Nursing Workforce Diversity, and Florida State College at Jacksonville.

Cultural Competence Definition

What is Cultural Competence?

"Cultural competence is defined as “developing an awareness of one’s own existence, sensations, thoughts, and environment without letting it have an undue influence on those from other backgrounds; demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the client’s culture; accepting and respecting cultural differences; adapting care to be congruent with the client’s culture."

Purnell LDPaulanka BJ. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach. Philadelphia, Pa: FA Davis; 1998:1–7

Cultural Competence Self Assessment

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