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This guide will help faculty find resources about the Canvas migration and how to link to library content within their Canvas course.


Linking to Articles and Online Resources in Canvas


Permalinks (permanent links) are stable URLs that link directly to online library resources. The way a permalink is created varies by the database provider or vendor. Locate the database vendor by using the table provided in the Database/Vendor tab. Then click the vendor's tab for step-by-step instructions on creating a permalink within that particular database.

Name Vendor
Academic OneFile Select Gale
Academic Search Complete EBSCO
African American Experience ABC-CLIO
African American History Infobase Publishing
Agriculture (Gale OneFile) Gale
America's News NewsBank
American Government ABC-CLIO
American History ABC-CLIO
Applied Science and Technology Source EBSCO
Audiobook Collection EBSCO
Biography (Gale in Context) Gale
Biography and Genealogy Master Index Gale
Books and Authors Gale
Books@Ovid OVID
Business (Gale OneFile) Gale
Business Insights: Essentials Gale
Business Insights: Global Gale
Business Source Complete EBSCO
Careers and Job Search Videos Infobase Publishing
Chemistry (Gale Interactive) Gale
Child Development and Adolescent Studies EBSCO
ChiltonLibrary Gale
Chronicle of Higher Education Chronicle of Higher Education
Civil War: Sources in U.S. History Gale
College (Gale In Context) Gale
Communication and Mass Media (Gale OneFile) Gale
Communication and Mass Media Complete EBSCO
Computer Science (Gale OneFile) Gale
Consumer EBSCO
Contemporary Women's Issues (Gale OneFile) Gale
Coronavirus Research Database ProQuest
CQ Researcher Plus Archive CQ Press
Credo Reference Credo Reference
Criminal Justice ProQuest
Criminal Justice (Gale OneFile) Gale
Culinary Arts (Gale OneFile) Gale
DemographicsNow (Gale Business) Gale
Dentistry and Oral Science Source EBSCO
Diversity Studies (Gale OneFile) Gale
eBook Academic Collection EBSCO
eBook Collection EBSCO
Economics and Theory (Gale OneFile) Gale
Education Source EBSCO
Educator's Reference Complete (Gale OneFile) Gale
Elementary (Gale In Context) Gale
Entrepreneurship (Gale Business) Gale
Entrepreneurship (Gale OneFile) Gale
Environmental Studies (Gale In Context) Gale
Environmental Studies and Policy (Gale OneFile) Gale
European Views of the Americas EBSCO
Film and Television Literature Index EBSCO
Films on Demand Infobase Publishing
Fine Arts (Gale OneFile) Gale
Florida Times Union Collection NewsBank
Florida's News Source NewsBank
Food Science Source EBSCO
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia EBSCO
Gale Academic OneFile Gale
Gale eBooks Gale
Gale Presents: Peterson's Career Prep Gale
Gale Presents: Peterson's Test Prep Gale
Gardening and Horticulture (Gale OneFile) Gale
Gender Studies (Gale OneFile) Gale
GenderWatch ProQuest
General OneFile (Gale) Gale
Global Issues (Gale in Context) Gale
Health and Medicine (Gale OneFile) Gale
Health and Wellness Gale
Health Reference Series Online Omnigraphics
Health Source: Consumer Edition EBSCO
High School Edition (Gale OneFile) Gale
History Reference Center EBSCO
Home Improvement (Gale OneFile) Gale
Hospitality and Tourism (Gale OneFile) Gale
Hospitality and Tourism Complete EBSCO
Humanities Source EBSCO
ICE Video Library International Clinical Educators
Information Science (Gale OneFile) Gale
Informe Academico (Gale OneFile) Gale
Issues and Controversies Infobase Publishing
Issues and Controversies in American History Infobase Publishing
Issues: Understanding Controversy and Society ABC-CLIO
Latin America and the Caribbean (Gale World Scholar) Gale
Latino American Experience ABC-CLIO
Leadership and Management (Gale OneFile) Gale
Legal Collection EBSCO
LegalTrac (Gale OneFile) Gale
Library Literature and Information Science Full Text EBSCO
Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts EBSCO
Library, Information Science and Technology w/ Full Text EBSCO
Literary Reference Center Plus EBSCO
Literature Gale
Literature Criticism Gale
Literature Online ProQuest
Literature Resource Center Gale
Literature: Book Review Index (Gale) Gale
Literature: LitFinder (Gale) Gale
MAS Ultra - School Edition EBSCO
MasterFILE Premier EBSCO
MEDLINE with Full Text EBSCO
Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print EBSCO
Middle School (Gale in Context) Gale
Military & Government Collection EBSCO
Military and Intelligence (Gale OneFile) Gale
New York Times - Current Gale
New York Times - Historical ProQuest
Nursing and Allied Health (Gale OneFile) Gale
Nursing and Allied Health Source ProQuest
Nursing Full-Text Journals OVID
O'Reilly eBooks (formerly Safari) ProQuest
Opposing Viewpoints (Gale In Context) Gale
Oxford Research Encyclopedias Oxford University Press
Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine (Gale OneFile) Gale
Pop Culture Studies (Gale OneFile) Gale
Pop Culture Universe ABC-CLIO
Primal Pictures Primal Pictures
Primary Search EBSCO
ProQuest All Subscribed Content ProQuest
PsycArticles EBSCO
Psychology (Gale OneFile) Gale
Regional Business News EBSCO
Religion and Philosophy (Gale OneFile) Gale
Research Companion ProQuest
Research Library ProQuest
Sage Journals Sage Publication
Salem Press: Literature, History, Health, Science, Careers Salem Press
Science (Gale in Context) Gale
ScienceDirect Elsevier
SIRS KnowledgeSource  Proquest
Smithsonian Collection Gale
Springer eJournal Collection Springer
Teacher Reference Center EBSCO
U.S. History (Gale In Context) Gale
Vocations and Careers (Gale OneFile) Gale
War and Terrorism (Gale OneFile) Gale
Wiley eJournal Package Wiley
World Geography ABC-CLIO
World History (Gale In Context) Gale
World History (Gale OneFile) Gale
World Religions: Belief, Culture, and Controversy ABC-CLIO

1. From the search results page- click on the article/item title.


2. Locate the permalink button under "Tools" on the right-hand side.

3. Copy the permalink from the box.

1. From the search results page- click on the article/item title.


2. Click on the Bookmark Icon to the right of the search bar.


3. Copy the Bookmark URL that appears in the center of the page.

1. From the search results page- click on the article/item title.


2. Click on All Options.


3. Copy the permalink.


1. From the search results page- click on the article/item title.


2. Copy the permalink from the address bar.

1. From the search results page- click on the article/item title.


2. Locate the arrow on the upper right side of the article.


3. Copy the Link URL.

1. From the search results page- click on the item/article title.


2. Copy the Page Link near the top right of the screen.

1. From the search results page- click on the article/item title.


2. Copy the permalink that appears below.

1. From the search results page- click on the article/item title.


2. Scroll to the bottom of the article.


3. Copy the Record URL.

1. From the search results page- click on the article/item title.

2. Copy the Remote Access URL that appears on the left (if the item doesn't have a Remote Access URL, copy the Stable URL instead).

1. From the search results page- click on the article/item title.


2. Select the link icon on the right.


3. Copy the permalink from the box.

1. From the search results page- click on the item title.

2. You will need to copy a section of the URL from the O’Reilly webpage. Begin with the URL that appears on the address bar. 

3. Copy the section of the URL from the address bar starting with the word library.

4. Take our connection string and add the string from the O’Reilly resource (the highlighted part from the address bar). 

Here is the permalink with the two strings put together:

1. From the search results page- click on the article/item title.


2. Copy the permalink that appears below.

1. From the search results page- click on the article/item title.

2. Scroll down the page.


3. Copy the Direct Object Identifier (permalink) address.

Create direct links to popular LearningExpress resources and place them on your website. You can select the areas that are most important to your users. Examples include job and career resources, college entrance test preparation, resources for Spanish speakers and homework help for students. Create a direct link to any individual center that you want to promote.

In order to create a direct link to a Center, you will need three parts:

  1. The base URL, which is
  2. The Center name
  3. The custom authentication token for your institution/library. ?AuthToken=C137CFC5-F2F1-4313-8468-21B9114DED04 

Once you have located your custom Authentication Token, please follow the steps below for creating direct links:

  1. Get the base URL:
  2. Get the Center name.

    From your EBSCO LearningExpress homepage, click on the image of the Center for which you want to create a direct link (in this example, Career Preparation).

Click on the first category link (in this example, Learn More About a Career). You will be taken to that Center and the catalog page for that category will open.

Within the URL, locate and copy only the center name, in this case it is "career-center." (Note: The URL will include up to the category level, but you need only the center name. The center name in the URL and the center name displayed in the LearningExpress product may not be a direct match. In this example, the center in the URL is "career-center," but the actual center name in the product is Career Preparation. Please use "career-center." If in doubt, refer to the following image for direction or contact Customer Support.)

  1. Append the Center URL with your custom Authentication Token using the formula:

    BASE/ + CENTER NAME + ?AuthToken + career-center + ?AuthToken=C137CFC5-F2F1-4313-8468-21B9114DED04

    So, in this case, our sample URL would be...

Follow the steps above to construct your custom URL. 

  1. Place the link in the desired location on your website. We recommend that you create an alias for the link using the Center name or by using a web button with short descriptive copy. Find additional online resources here.

If you require further assistance, please contact Customer Support.

1. From the search results page- click on the article/item title.


2. Select "Share" on the lower left.


3. Select the "Share Access" tab. Make sure to check the box for terms and conditions and then copy the permalink to the clipboard.




1. From the search results page- click on the article/item title.


2. On the lower left select "Copy the permalink to this article to clipboard'.

1. From the search results page- click on the article/item title.

2. Scroll to the bottom of the page.


3. Select "Get Shareable Link" in order to retrieve the permalink.



1. From the search results page- click on the article/item title.


2. Copy the permalink that appears below.


Adding a Library Permalink in Canvas

Finding Vendor Permalinks

Locating Canvas Links