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Copyright for Faculty

This guide provides resources for faculty and students on U.S. Copyright Law and how it pertains to education.

Basics for instructors

Below are copyright basics and resources for instruction, especially face-to-face teaching with general concepts that are good to know.

Do you own your curricula? FSCJ policy (6Hx7-4.11 Copyrights, Patents and Royalties) states that ownership or rights of works created by employees who are employed or contracted by the College are likely owned by the College. However, in keeping with the long practice at post-secondary institutions, there are situations outlined in the policy in which the College disclaims any rights to the works of employees.

What is the TEACH Act?

The Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization Act, more commonly known as the TEACH Act, updated U.S. copyright law regarding the display and transmission of copyright protected materials by accredited, nonprofit educational institutions and is especially relevant for the use of teaching materials online. 

TEACH Act Conditions:

•  You can perform a nondramatic literary work, a nondramatic musical work, or reasonable portions of any other work.  

•  You can display any other work in an amount comparable to that typically displayed in a live classroom setting.

•  You cannot use works produced or marketed primarily for performance/display as part of mediated instructional activities transmitted via digital networks orunlawfully made copies.

•  The works used must be under the actual supervision of an instructor as part of a class session.

•  The works must be used as part of systematic mediated instructional activities and directly related and of material assistance to the teaching content.

•  You may digitize an analog work if no digital version is available to the institution or the digital version is locked to prevent TEACH uses.

•  The transmission (of the performance or display) must be made solely for and reception limited to students enrolled in the course, i.e., access controls.

•  You must institute technological measures that reasonably prevent retention in accessible form for longer than a class session (this means prevent printing, saving, downloading, etc.) Also referred to as "downstream controls".

•  You must not interfere with technological measures that prevent retention and dissemination put there by the copyright holder.

•  Copyright notice must be provided to students.

Linking Material vs. Posting PDFs

Articles and other materials from library databases are subject to license agreements that specify how database contents may be used. For information on how database materials can be used, including whether it is permitted to post PDFs of materials on classes, contact a faculty librarian.

Generally, all database materials can be made available through Blackboard by linking to the appropriate database. Linking is just as easy as attaching a PDF, but it is a better option for providing access to licensed material while staying within copyright and license terms. 

When there is no license agreement specifying how materials can be used, the U.S. Copyright Act applies to posting PDFs of library materials on Blackboard. Copyright law permits posting in three situations:

  1. the work is in the public domain 
  2. you have permission from the copyright owner 
  3. your use qualifies as Fair Use 

Copyright Resources for Teaching

Copyright Resources for Online Teaching

This guide was originally maintained by librarians at the Texas Tech University Architecture Library. It has been updated by the Scholarly Communication Librarian. The updated version was adapted from library material from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), California State University Long Beach, Duke University, New York University and Florida State University. This adaptation, revised by the Florida State College at Jacksonville was based on the most recent edition that was created by Camille Thomas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. 

 Creative Commons License