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This guide provides information on how to avoid plagiarism

Tips for Instructors

  1. Teach Students about Plagiarism: Many students have misconceptions about plagiarism. They need to be explicitly taught that you DO expect them to use the ideas and words of others, BUT those ideas and words must be in the form of a direct quote, paraphrase, or summary AND be cited in the body of the paper and referenced in the Works Cited or Reference List.

  2. Take Advantage of College Resources: Have students complete one of the self-paced tutorials listed in this guide, work with your campus writing lab to schedule a virtual or in person visit for your class, collaborate with a librarian to improve your research assignments and ensure they encourage original work, and consider using TurnitIn as the submission vehicle for your assignments.

  3. Help Students Recognize Plagiarism: Give them practical examples of a variety of types of plagiarism and and give them in class practice identifying plagiarism by doing these exercises together.


Useful Tools for Teaching About Plagiarism