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ENC 1102: Writing About Texts

This guide supports ENC 1102 which focuses on studying non-fiction writing in its many forms. This guide will help students in evaluating texts and writing analytically about them.

Recommended Websites

The Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world".
" is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity that has no government affiliations of any kind. Our purpose is to provide resources for critical thinking and to educate without bias. We do not express opinions on our research projects ('issue websites')."
"...display[s] the day’s top news stories from the Left, Center and Right of the political spectrum — side-by-side."
"Public Agenda is a national, nonpartisan, nonprofit research and public engagement organization headquartered in New York City [which] strive[s] to strengthen democracy and expand opportunity for all Americans."
"Since 1993 the Annenberg Public Policy Center has studied Americans’ political knowledge, discourse, media use, and opinions about candidates and issues."
"Articles, interviews and data trends that provide an unbiased understanding of public opinion and human behavior to leaders and those who advise them."
"The Google Public Data Explorer makes large, public-interest datasets easy to explore, visualize and communicate. As the charts and maps animate over time, the changes in the world become easier to understand."
"RAND is nonprofit, nonpartisan, and committed to the public interest and to making our work accessible to people throughout the world."