In the following databases, try these keyword terms: health navigator, patient navigation, patient care navigator, patient navigator, case management, public health, community health, health care delivery, prevention levels and more. Search these keywords in quotation marks and try more than one database for the most results. Don't forget to filter your results by date (within 5 years).
Burke, E. M., & Biberman, D. A. (2017). Student Practicum as a Bridge to Governmental Public Health Practice: A Survey of Schools and Programs of Public Health. Public Health Reports, 132(1), 110–114. (Click on Full-text Finder
Thompson, T., Kreuter, M. W., & Boyum, S. (2016). Promoting Health by Addressing Basic Needs. Health Education & Behavior, 43(2), 201–207. (Click on Full-text Finder)
CINAHL Ultimate is the definitive full-text database for nursing and allied health research. It offers full-text access to a substantial portion of the most frequently cited journals in the CINAHL index, surpassing other databases. Providing 1,815 active full-text journals valued at $478,475.88, this database covers over 50 nursing specialties. Additionally, it features full-text quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, continuing education modules, nursing instructional videos, and more.
Funded by Statewide Allocation
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ScienceDirect is Elsevier’s leading information solution for researchers, teachers, students, health care professionals and information professionals . It combines authoritative, full-text scientific, technical and health publications with smart, intuitive functionality so that you can stay informed in your field, and can work more effectively and efficiently.
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