Archival documents courtesy of Jennifer GreyPDF Archival material courtesy of Jennifer Grey
In order of appearance.
[Code of Federal Regulations, Office of Post- Secondary Education]
What is the Foreign Curriculum Consultants Program. 34 C.F.R VI (7-1-91 Edition) §§ 664.40-665.10 (1991) pp442-446.
[Newspaper Articles, Archives]
Six-Week Trip Starts June 22: FJC Europe Tour Good for Credits (1969, March 9) Florida Times- Union, The (Jacksonville, FL) B8.
Travel and Study Program Set. (1971, April 21). Florida Times Union, The (Jacksonville, FL) A-12.
[Newsletter articles, The Outlook]
Moore, J. (1987) Three Student Travel Tours Set in France, Italy, Russia. Florida Community College at Jacksonville Outlook, 2 (8) 1-2.
First College-Sponsored Russian Tour A Success (1987, August/Sept). Florida Community College at Jacksonville, Outlook, 3 (2) p1.
If this is Tuesday, it must be France? Germany? Austria? England? (1988, March) Florida Community College at Jacksonville, Outlook, 3 (7) p1.
Spence, C. (1988, May 11). Memorandum to Mr. Cambpell L. Smith, President, FCCJ Foundation Regarding Travel Reimbursement. Jacksonville, FL: FCCJ.
Smith, C. (1988, May 16). Memorandum to Dr. Spence, President, Florida Community College at Jacksonville. Regarding travel reimbursement check.
[Newspaper clippings]
From Russia with Love. (1989, May 25). Florida Times-Union, The (Jacksonville, FL)
Weathersbee, T. (1989, August 26) “12 off to England on FCCJ travel study program” Florida Times-Union, The (Jacksonville, FL), A, p7, col.1
Music Study Abroad Cancelled (1991, April 23). The Campus Voice.
O’Connor, C. (n.d.) Extensions have been made for the Study Abroad program.
[Newspaper articles from Databases]
Rentfrow, M. (n.d) Faculty trip to Yucatan provides educational insights: new class rises from vacation experience. (With advertisement “FCCJ announces the Extended Studies Program for Spring/Summer ‘93”)
[Zakajtn], E. (n.d.) Exchange program combines cultural and business studies.
Doyle, E. (n.d.) UNF seeks FCCJ students for study abroad. The Campus Voice.
Study Abroad FCCJ Extended Studies Program: England Italy China Summer. (2002)
Patton, C. (2007, March 18). This summer, FCCJ campus extends to Peru Classroom Without Walls program includes five-week trip to South America.. Florida Times-Union, The (Jacksonville, FL), pp. F-1. Available from NewsBank:
Hernandez, N. (2009, January 24). Study-abroad session at FCCJ includes a rugby adventure, too Event is designed to generate interest in college in England.. Florida Times-Union, The (Jacksonville, FL), pp. S-9. Available from NewsBank: