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Exploring SPAINtings

A collaboration between Professor of Humanities Jennifer Chase and the Kent Campus LLC, Exploring SPAINtings is an exhibit of prints and books reflecting the contributions of Spanish culture to the world's great paintings.


This guide accompanies Prof. Jennifer Chase's exhibit in the Kent Campus Library and Learning Commons presented fall term of 2016 and spring term of 2017. 

Objectives for this Guide

Stories have always been “told” through art. A work of architecture, a dance, a sculpture, a performance, a symphony, or a painting may tell a story, or layers of several stories, that inform us about ourselves and help us connect in ways that are profound and not easily articulated. Since my first trip to Spain in graduate school many years ago, and still today, the wisdom and unspoken empathy conveyed through the brushes of these masters have deepened my understanding of the issues that affected those in the past and remain today. So, the idea for HUM 2020: Exploring SPAINtings was born. This study guide includes the fifteen paintings in the LLC installation as well as others. - Professor Jennifer Chase


Click image to view Exploring SPAINtings Gallery Guide.

The Garden of Earthly Delights painting by Hieronymus Bosch

Detail from the third panel of The Garden of Earthly Delights - Hieronymus Bosch
[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons