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Financial Literacy

This Financial Literacy guide pulls together information resources available through the Library and on the internet to help users learn more about personal finance and financial independence.

Introduction to Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is the ability to interpret various issues which pertain to personal finance. Being financially literate means understanding the world of loans, interest, investing, and insurance. It is difficult to navigate but essential to understanding and taking control of one's own finances. This guide consists of many resources for students to learn more about the subject and several online tools for calculating various financial items.

Financial Literacy Explained

Financial literacy is defined as “the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage financial resources effectively for a lifetime of financial well being” (President’s Advisory Council on Financial Literacy in 2008).

Financial literacy skills include: 

  • Budgeting
  • Building an emergency fund
  • Understanding how credit works
  • Understanding how credit cards work
  • Understanding how interest compounds over time (tie into savings concept)
  • Understanding the basic concepts of a mortgage
  • Understanding basic insurance needs and products
  • Awareness and understanding of what programs/benefits are available to you through your employer or membership organizations
  • Having a retirement plan

To learn more about why financial literacy matters to you, click on the College Debt tab.

What is Financial Literacy?

In College Time is Money


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