Practical Money Skills for Life
This site does a great job of briefly covering almost every aspect of personal finance. Information about credit cards, saving, buying a car, paying for college and much more. A great place to start!
Includes the helpful guides Headed for College, Renting an Apartment, Buying a Car, and Welcome to the Real World.
This multimedia tutorial from Wells Fargo covers a wide range of issues surrounding credit cards and loans for young adults, including credit scores, evaluating loans, and dealing with debt.
Center for Student Credit Card Evaluation
This detailed tutorial introduces students to all aspects of credit cards, including fixed vs. variable interest rates, late fees, penalties, and how to evaluate special promotional offers.
40 Money Management Tricks Every College Student Should Know
Great tips from the National Endowment for Financial Education
Your Spending Your Savings Your Future
Covers spending, bankruptcy, debt recovery, savings instruments, and financial planning.