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PSY 1050: Forensic Psychology

A useful guide to Forensic Psychology.

Suggested Search Terms

Here are some example keywords or phrases that can be used to find specific information in the library catalog and academic databases:

  • Forensic psychology
  • Juvenile crime
  • Violent crime

Suggested Boolean Searches

Refine searches using operators like "AND," "OR," and "NOT," ensuring more precise and relevant results.

  • Forensics AND psychology
  • Forensic psychology OR criminology
  • Forensic psychology NOT juvenile

Suggested Subject Headings

Standardized terms are used to categorize and organize content within the library catalog and academic databases to enhance search precision and efficiency.

  • Criminal psychology
  • Crime and criminology
  • Criminology

Suggested Call Number Ranges

Locate materials within the library in these call number areas.

  • HV6046 - HV7936

Psychology & Criminal Justice

Current Events & News

Criminal Profiling

In this film we address these questions through contemporary UK profilers and psychologists, look at some famous case studies and examine different approaches to criminal offender profiling.