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SOP 2721: Cross-Cultural Psychology

This guide presents helpful resources for the SOP 2721 course.


Suggested Search Terms

Here are some example keywords or phrases that can be used to find specific information in the library catalog and academic databases:

  • Ethnopsychology
  • Cross-cultural studies
  • Ethnology

Suggested Boolean Searches

Refine searches using operators like "AND," "OR," and "NOT," ensuring more precise and relevant results.

  • Culture AND psychology
  • Ethnopsychology OR culture
  • Ethnopsychology NOT race

Suggested Subject Headings

Standardized terms are used to categorize and organize content within the library catalog and academic databases to enhance search precision and efficiency.

  • Social psychology
  • Ethnopsychology
  • Culture -- Psychological aspects

Suggested Call Number Ranges

Locate materials within the library in these call number areas.

  • GN482 - GN502

Databases on Psychology and Culture

Databases on Current Events and Issues