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Arts and Humanities

This guide is a collection FSCJ Library and Learning Commons resources related to the Arts and Humanities Programs and Courses at FSCJ



Although humanistic inquiry transcends academic fields, the humanities are themselves often addressed as a collection of academic fields. The academic disciplines that are part of the humanities vary depending on context. The disciplines often include history, languages, literature, and philosophy. A grouping of humanities disciplines may also include artistic fields such as dance, music, theater, and visual arts, and social sciences such as anthropology and sociology. Communication and other applied fields and fields of study that center minoritized populations in higher education (e.g., Black studies, Indigenous studies, Latinx studies, LGBTQ+ studies) are also sometimes considered to be within the realm of the humanities. The objects of study in humanities are often recorded artifacts including but not limited to, poetry, music, paintings, sculptures, literature, speeches, and personal writings. While the humanities scholar considers artifacts like these in relation to the human condition, that consideration transcends specific disciplines and academic fields.


Hill, R. L. (2020). Humanities. In M. E. David, & M. J. Amey (Eds.), The SAGE encyclopedia of higher education. Sage UK. Credo Reference: 

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