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Chicago/Turabian Style

Need help with formatting citations? Use this brief guide to Chicago/Turabian Style.

Bibliography Tips

  • Use headline style: capitalize all words in a title when it's in English--even if the item itself does not capitalize those words. 
  • Always use curly quotation marks, rather than straight. Exercise caution when copying/pasting citations from other sources, as sometimes this changes the type of quotation mark used.
  • If you have a title *within* a journal article title, insert apostrophes outside of the nested title, instead of regular quotation marks.
  • Example: Smith, Toby. "Going the Distance: An Analysis of 'Going For Speed' That Will Blow Your Mind." Journal of Mind Blowing (etc)

    Chicago Turabian Footnote Endnote Video Part 1

    Formatting Footnotes

  • Insert an indent on the first line of each footnote (start the indent before the subscript number)
  • Insert one horizontal line of space between each footnote
  • Footnote 2 is an example of a discursive footnote
  • Footnote 4 is an example of using Ibid. for repeating the previous source
  • Footnote 5 is an example of the shortened form
  • Chicago Turabian Footnote Endnote Video Part 2

    Use Three Emdashes for Repeating Author Names

  • If your bibliography contains two items by the same author, do not repeat the author's name. Instead, replace the name with three emdashes followed by a period. For example:

  • Smith, Mary. Everybody Loves Em Dashes, Always. New York: Turabian University Press, 2011.

    ———. No Seriously, We All Love Em Dashes. New York: Turabian University Press, 2012.

  • If you're on a Mac, do shift option dash for one em dash.
  • If you're on a PC, watch this silent video for a demonstration. 
  • Turabian Document Setup


    Attribution: DePauw University Libraries, Turabian/Chicago Style, Music Citations