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Chicago/Turabian Style

Need help with formatting citations? Use this brief guide to Chicago/Turabian Style.

Citation Format: PRINT articles. B=bibliography N=footnote

**If your article is from JSTOR, or was originally published in print form, use the print format**
From Turabian 7th Edition, page 183:
Most journal citations include volume number, issue number or month, and year.

The volume number follows the journal title- no punctuation intervening.
Spell out the full month.
do NOT include "Vol."  Simply enter the number.
do NOT include "Issue." If there is an issue number, insert a comma, the abbreviation "no." and the number.
do NOT capitalize the number abbrev. it's lowercase "no."
if you don't have a volume number, just put the issue number. ex: Journal no. 8 (Feb 2004)...

B:   Last Name, First.  "Title of Article." Name of
             Journal  Vol. # issue # (Month Year):  page(s).
ex:  Smith, Jolie.  "Finding Your Voice." Journal
             of Music 42, no. 4 (June 2007): 223-25.

N:    ¹First Name Last, "Title of Article," Name of
Vol. # (Month Year):  page(s).
ex:    ²Jolie Smith, "Finding Your Voice," Journal
 of Music
  42, no. 4 (June 2007):  223-25.

Citation Format: ONLINE articles

If the article you're citing is from a journal that exists in print, then create your citation just like the print version (above).

For online journals that *only* exist online, follow the same citation style for print, with the addition of the article URL (link), and the date you accessed the material.  

B: Smith, Jolie.  "Finding Your Voice."  Journal of Music 24,
            no. 2 (October 2006). <>
            (accessed 27 December 2008).

N: ¹Jolie Smith, "Finding Your Voice," Journal of Music 24, no. 2 (October 2006), under "Start by Singing," paragraph 2, <> (accessed 27 December 2008).


Attribution: DePauw University Libraries, Turabian/Chicago Style, Music Citations