Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service the library offers which allows you to request items (books, DVDs, photocopies of articles, etc.) from other colleges and universities, public libraries, or other institutions.
At FSCJ, Interlibrary Loan is FREE!
(Unless you lose the item. Just like anything you check out from FSCJ, you are financially responsible for ILL titles you borrow.)
ILL Basics:
- We can get almost anything. We can't guarantee that all loan requests will be successful, but since we have libraries and institutions all across the country to pull from we can usually find someone willing to loan to us.
- Most loans take at least a week to arrive. The arrival time of loans depend on finding a willing lender and the distance the item has to be shipped to get to us.
- Lenders set the due dates. We cannot guarantee that you will be able to keep the item for as long as you want. Lenders have set amounts of time they are willing to loan items.
- FSCJ has two ILL systems: UBorrow and WorldCat. UBorrow is a state-wide lending system and is your first stop to locate items for ILL. WorldCat allows you to borrow items country-wide, but it usually takes longer and should be used as a second option.