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Interlibrary Loan

With a little planning, you can borrow just about anything.


What if I need the item now?


If you need something today (or tomorrow, or two days from now) and there's nothing in any of FSCJ's libraries that can help, here are a couple of alternate suggestions:

Jacksonville Public Library

The Jacksonville Publlic Library has twenty-one different branches spread all across Jacksonville. If you have a library card with JPL, you can request items through their catalog and have them delivered to the branch nearest your house for you to pick up. If you don't have a library card with JPL (or your account is blocked for unpaid fines), you will not be able to request items or check anything out, but you can still visit whatever branch owns the item you're interested in and look at it there.

University of North Florida Library

We frequently request items from UNF's library via ILL, but that takes a few days. If you need something immediately, you can go to UNF directly and check the item out. FSCJ has what's called a reciprocal lending agreement with all of the other public colleges and universities in Florida, which means that as an FSCJ student you can go to any public college or university (in Jacksonville, that means UNF) and check out books using your FSCJ library account. Keep in mind that your account with FSCJ must be in good standing for this to work - if you have overdue or lost items or you're not currently enrolled, you're not going to be able to borrow from UNF, though you could still look at their items there.

Word of warning: parking at UNF requires a purchasing a daily parking pass ($5, they accept cash or credit) if you want to park there M-Th 7a-8p or Friday 7a-5pm. Parking is free from 5pm Friday until 7am Monday (in other words, over the weekend), unless they're having a special event. (You can check to see if they have an event scheduled on their Master Calendar.)



How can I renew an item in the UBorrow system?


To renew items in the UBorrow system, follow the instructions in tab five of the UBorrow step-by-step guide.  



How can I renew an item from the WorldCat system?


To renew items in the WorldCat system, contact us at Make sure to include your name, your FSCJ student or employee ID# (located on the back of your ID card) and the title of the item as part of the email message.



How can I check the status of an item I requested in the UBorrow system?


To check the status of items in the UBorrow system, follow the instructions in tab five of the UBorrow step-by-step guide



How can I check the status of an item I requested in the WorldCat system?


To check the status of items in the WorldCat system, contact us at Make sure to include your name, your FSCJ student or employee ID# (located on the back of your ID card) and the title of the item as part of the email message.

UBorrow Guidelines from FALSC

Library staff who need detailed information about statewide policies regarding UBorrow (Aleph) interlibrary loan, please see FALSC's LibGuide on the subject.