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Interlibrary Loan

With a little planning, you can borrow just about anything.

UBorrow Step-by-Step Guide

You should always start your search with the library catalog. From the catalog, not only can you locate items owned by FSCJ, you can request items from any of the 28 Florida colleges and 12 Florida universities with whom we're affiliated.

Here's how to place an interlibrary loan request through the library catalog:
Before you do anything else, you need to log in to myFSCJ in order to access the library catalog. See video instructions below or follow these simple steps:

  • Log in to your myFSCJ account.
  • Choose the "Students" tab at the top.
  • Select "Library and Learning Commons" under "Useful Links" to the right for "Students" tab.


Enter the information about the item you wish to borrow (title, author, ISBN, etc.) in the search field and make sure to click “Statewide Catalogue” in the dropdown. To narrow your search, use the Advanced Search option to enter more specific information about your item. The dropdown menu on the left under Tweak your Results can help narrow your results as well.

When you've done all of that, click Search.

Once you have found which item you are interested in, check to see where it is available.

If you see the name of an FSCJ campus and Available next to it, that means that campus owns a copy, and it is available for check-out. Requesting items from another FSCJ campus library is much faster than requesting items from another institution so you should make those requests first. (Scroll down to see what to do if there are no available copies.)

To request an available item, click on Available at… and then click on Request. Choose the campus you would like to pick the item up from and click Send request. 



The system will let you know if your request was successfully placed.

If you wish to check the status of your requests, click the dropdown menu next to your name in the top right corner, then select My Requests.



From the Request page, you can check your Request Status or Cancel your request.



If you are unable to find the item you are looking for, all copies of the item are checked out, or you need the item before it can be returned, you have the choice to request it through UBorrow Interlibrary Loan. Go to Step Four to see how.



If your search does not return any results or all of the copies are showing as Checked Out (and you can't wait until the date it's due to be returned), that means FSCJ does not have an available copy and you'll need to request it through UBorrow InterLibrary Loan. Go to Step Four to see how.


If your item is not available at any of the FSCJ libraries, it may provide an option that says Check for available services. Click the blue arrow next to this link.



Scroll down to the section that says, How to get it. This area will display all the institutions that may hold the item you are looking at.



If you click the arrow next to UBorrow Request, it will start a request form to borrow the item from any of these institutions.

Review all the information on the form to make sure it is correct. Make sure to change your Preferred Pickup Location at the bottom of the form before hitting Send Request.





The system will let you know if your request was successfully placed.



You can track the progress of your request or request a renewal* by clicking the dropdown beside your name in the top right corner and selecting My Requests. Here you will see the status of your request, and have the option to cancel it, if needed.

* Please note that renewals are subject to authorization by the lending institution.



Once your ILL item arrives at the selected campus, the staff there will contact you. We frequently use your student email, so be sure to check that regularly.