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AD Nursing Associate Degree

Nursing RN Associate Degree

Video of Library Orientation for Associate Degree Nursing -Updated 2025

Tips for Research


Tips for Research in Nursing:

1. Make sure you are logged in to myFSCJ for full access to ebooks, articles, streaming videos and newspapers.

2. If you need to narrow your results use boolean operator "AND" between your keywords. If you need to expand, you can use OR. See advanced searching in any database.

3. You can type "evidence-based" or "systematic review" in the search box along with your topic to narrow down to those kinds of research articles. See also the Evidence-Based Practice tab on this guide.

4. Don't be afraid to search more than one database, not every journal is indexed in every database. They might hold different dates, or some unique journals. There will be some overlap.

5. Tweak your results by utilizing the left side menu (typically) by date, subject, source, full-text, peer-reviewed, and more. Especially in CINHAL Complete. 

6. Don't forget the citation (APA style). Remember that you may have to adjust the formatting after copying from the database to your document. 

7. If the full-text is not available from the database you are in, look for "Full-text Finder" , or request and inter-library loan from the library.