Essay by Ken Robichaux
Beginning with some of the earliest exhibitions of motion pictures, there was public debate about the question of whether the motion picture industry was morally fit to control the content of its own products... [Read the complete essay here]
Article by Dan Georgakas reprinted from: Buhle, Buhle, P., & Georgakas, D. (1992). Encyclopedia of the American left (1st ed.). University of Illinois Press.
Corrected Blacklist Credits (as of 2000) by the Writer's Guild of America
Banned Films
In addition to censoring books, creative works (art, music, lyrics, and stage plays), films have also been banned for similar reasons: nudity, violence, politically and other culturally objectionable content. The creators of such works were often executed by political powers, exiled, imprisoned, tortured, or otherwise threatened when they continued producing such works.
A Brief History of Film Censorship by the National Coalition Against Censorship