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Center for Cultures, Languages, and Societies

This guide was created for the Center for Cultures, Languages, and Societies

Resources for other cultures, languages, and societies are listed on this page.

The World Factbook

The World Factbook is prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and has useful information about countries around the world. Here are some direct links to their website:

Resources for Other Cultures and/or Languages

This video is from the English in Three Minutes series in our Films on Demand database. It teaches English with an American accent and common phrases in the United States.

The next video is from the Video Culture Class--American Holidays series in our Films on Demand database.

The following video is from the Video Culture Class--British Holidays series in our Films on Demand database.

This video is part of the Greek in Three Minutes series in our Films on Demand database.

The next video is from The Ultimate Guide to Greek Pronunciation series in our Films on Demand database.

The following video is part of the Video Culture Class--Greek Holidays series in our Films on Demand database.

This video is part of the Hebrew in Three Minutes series in our Films on Demand database.

This video is from the Italian in Three Minutes series in our Films on Demand database.

The next video is from The Ultimate Guide to Italian Pronunciation series in our Films on Demand database.

The following video is from the Video Culture Class--Italian Holidays series in our Films on Demand series.

This video is part of the series: Korean in Three Minutes in our Films on Demand database.

The next video is part of the series: The Ultimate Guide to Korean Pronunciation in our Films on Demand database.

The following video is from the series: Video Culture Class--Korean Holidays in our Films on Demand database.

This video is part of the series: Portuguese in Three Minutes in our Films on Demand database.

The next video is part of the series: Video Culture Class--Brazilian Holidays in our Films on Demand database.

This video is from the YouTube channel by Moje Blu has videos on Serbian language

This video is from a playlist on the YouTube Channel Easy Languages. The playlist is Easy Croatian

This tab will redirect you to another LibGuide page that lists free and subscription websites and apps you can use to learn a new language. Some include learning exchanges with native speakers. Also, if you have a Jacksonville Public Library card, you have access to Transparent Languages Online. Another avenue to explore is, which will connect you with local interest groups. There are many language and culture groups in the Jacksonville area.