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Mathematics Tutoring

This guide provides information on additional tutoring resources for FSCJ students

Intermediate Algebra

Intermediate Algebra  

Image sources: Book education paper homework by pixabay user Lum3n Used under CC0 

This Libguide is an access point to Intermediate Algebra resources.

Math Placement Decision-Making Resources

Man looking at blackboard full of equations

Planning to register for a math class and interested in checking your math skills to assist with course selection? FSCJ offers a variety of introductory math courses, from developmental education (or college preparatory) math courses, such as MAT 0018 and MAT 0028, to college-level math courses like MAT 1033 (which counts as an Associate in Arts elective), and college-credit math courses like MAC 1105 (College Algebra) or MGF 1106 (Topics in College Mathematics) and MGF 1107 (Explorations in Mathematics), which fulfill your general education requirements.

Consider taking a math self-check (links provided below) to learn more about your current knowledge and skills in math.

Each of the math courses listed below has a bank of self-checks containing ten questions apiece. At the end of each self-check, you will receive a score and feedback to help you understand the correct response to the questions. These self-checks are designed to assist you in checking your math understanding and in making informed choices when registering for math classes. The self-checks are not considered an official assessment instrument and will not be used by the College for placement. Rather, the self-checks are for your use only. For assistance with registering for classes, please see an FSCJ Student Success advisor.

Course Self-Checks
MAT 0018

Self Check 1

Self Check 2

Self Check 3

MAT 0028

Self Check 1

Self Check 2

Self Check 3

MAT 1033

Self Check 1

Self Check 2

Self Check 3

MAC 1105

Self Check 1

Self Check 2

Self Check 3

MGF 1106 and MGF 1107

Self Check 1

Self Check 2

Self Check 3


Math Software Support

EHB Explains Videos: MAT 1033

Navigate using corresponding links above.


Section 0. Review

Section 1. Linear Equations and Inequalities 

Section 2. Graphs, Relations, and Functions

Section 3. Linear Functions and their Graphs

Section 4. Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities

Section 5. Polynomials and Polynomial Functions 

Section 6. Rational Expressions and Rational Equations

Section 7. Radicals and Rational Exponents

Section 8. Quadratic Equations and Functions


More Videos

  • Kahn Academy -  nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide a free world-class education to anyone, anywhere.