This library scavenger hunt was created at South Campus and modified for North Campus, then updated in January 2020. It can be used as an active learning experience for students in IDS 1107, SLS courses, and ENC 1101 courses that do not have an assigned research paper. It works best and is the most engaging if students work in small groups. Keep things moving by giving them an ending time (usually 30-40 minutes).
Please feel free to modify the questions to fit your campus and your students!
The last page is the Library Orientation Survey in paper format since that seems to get a better response rate. If you adjust the body of the assignment, please make sure the survey will still print on a separate piece of paper so that it can be torn off and left in the room or given to the librarian at the end of class.
Make this activity fun by giving out trinkets (we usually have leftovers from Welcome Week) or candy to the teams with the best scores, first finishers, or whoever has the best/most unique illustration for their book on page 2!