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Faculty Authors: Florida State College at Jacksonville

FSCJ Affiliated Authors

Affiliated authors include:

  • Current and past FSCJ staff members
  • Current and past FSCJ students

Dawn Ady (Staff)

ADY, Dawn. Librarians: It’s Time to Redesign Librarianship. SRELS Journal of Information Management, [S.l.], p. 1-3, mar. 2022. ISSN 0976-2477. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 01 Apr. 2022. doi:10.17821/srels/2022/v59i1/168681.

Ruth Coe Chambers (Staff)

Pamela M. Covington (Student)

Shannon Dew (Staff)

Shannon L. Dew, Gretchen Mitchell, and Susan B. Mythen. "Laptops for Students: An Academic and Public Library Partnership" in Fostering Student Success: Academic, Social, and Financial Initiatives. April 2022.

Alyssa (Toree) Dobson (Staff)

Dr. Naita Guine (Staff)

T.C. Iserentant

Tom Latuszek (Staff)

Julie Miller (Staff)

Susan Mythen (Staff)

Shannon L. Dew, Gretchen Mitchell, and Susan B. Mythen. "Laptops for Students: An Academic and Public Library Partnership" in Fostering Student Success: Academic, Social, and Financial Initiatives. April 2022.

Erin Richman (Staff)

Danielle Tobler (Student)

James (J.L.) Tracy (Student)

Vickie Massey Witherspoon (Staff)