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Chicago/Turabian Style

Need help with formatting citations? Use this brief guide to Chicago/Turabian Style.

For the whole work. Citation Format B=bibliography N=footnote

Cite your musical score as you would a book. 

Composer Last Name, First.  Name of Musical Work.
                City, State (if city isn't well known): Publisher, Year.
ex:  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus.  Eine kleine Nachtmusik, K. 525.
                Bryn Mawr, PA:  Theodore Presser, 1960.

N:  ¹Composer First Name Last, Name of Musical Work 
(City, State: Publisher, Year).
ex:  ²Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Eine kleine Nachthmusik, K. 525
(Bryn Mawr, PA:  Theodore Presser, 1960).

Song in an Anthology

Cite a song from an anthology/collection as you would a book chapter.

B: Wolf, Hugo. “Lebe wohl.” In The Lieder Anthology
                edited by Virginia Saya and Richard Walters, 
                33-34. Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard, 2003.

N: ¹ Hugo Wolf, “Lebe wohl,” in The Lieder Anthology
                eds. Virginia Saya and Richard Walters 
                (Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard, 2003): 33-34.

Scores from Collected Editions/Collected Sets

Use the title page in your volume to gain information such as Series, Workgroup, editor(s), etc. Keep titles in their original language and italicize. Use sentence style capitalization--for example, in German, nouns are capitalized, verbs and adjectives are not.  After the title, go ahead and translate foreign terms to English. Reihe = series. Band = volume. Werkgrupp = workgroup. Teilband = part. Replace Roman numerals with regular numbers: Series 2, NOT Series II. If there is more than one city listed, choose the first one. "Vorgelegt von" or "herausgegeben von" (edited by) is where you locate editor names.

You'll notice that Series and Workgroup often have accompanying genres/titles. For example, Series II: Bühnenwerke, and Werkgruppe 5: Opern und Singspiele. You can leave these titles off. series 2 and workgroup 5 suffice.

If your volume contains a whole opera but your paper only concerns one aria, then indicate the aria in your footnote, using the "Chapters and Essays" tab above to inform your citation. You'll also want to do this if your volume contains two concertos and you're only concerned with one, or if you're only concerned with one movement from a symphony, etc. In other words: cite the whole in the bibliography, but add the "part" in your footnote. An aria should go in quotation marks. But whole compositions or movements can stand alone. See Misti for assistance.

B: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Così fan tutteWolfgang Amadeus 
                Mozart neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke
, series 2, 
                workgroup 5, vol. 18, parts 1 and 2. Edited by Faye 
                Ferguson and Wolfgang Rehm. Kassel: 
                Bärenreiter, 1991.

B: Haydn, Joseph. Konzerte für Violoncello und OrchesterJoseph
                 Haydn Werke
, series 3, vol. 2. Edited by Sonja Gerlach. 
                München: G. Henle, 1981. 

B: Schumann, Robert. 3. Symphonie, Opus 97Robert Schumann 
                 neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke
, series 1, workgroup 1, 
                vol. 3. Edited by Linda Correll Roesner. Mainz: 
                Schott, 1995.

For footnotes, you know what to do: change to First Name Last, replace periods with commas, replace “Edited by” with “ed.” or “eds.” and put publication information in parentheses. 


Citation for CDs/LPs. B=bibliography N=footnote

The basic order of information:  composer and work; essential performers such as soloists, conductor, ensemble; publishing information; medium; date.  Remember to consult your professor to be certain you are including all desired information.

B:  Composer last name, First.  Name of musical album,
                performer First Name Last.  Record label (followed
                by) CD identifying number. Format. Year.
ex:  Beethoven, Ludwig van.  Piano Sonata no. 29,
                Rudolph Serkin. ProArte Digital CDD 270. CD. 1992.
N:   ¹Composer First Name Last, Name of musical work,
performer First Name Last, Record label (followed by)
CD identifying number, format, Year.

ex: ²Ludwig van Beethoven, Piano Sonata no. 29,
Rudolph Serkin, ProArte Digital CDD 270, CD, 1992.

How to cite MP3

B:  Composer last name, First. Name of work,  
                performer First Name Last.  Record label. 
                Format. Year.

ex:  Beethoven, Ludwig van.  Piano Sonata no. 29, 
                Rudolph Serkin. ProArte. MP3. 1992.              

N:   ¹Composer First Name Last, Name of musical 
                work, performer First Name Last, 
                Record label, format, Year.

ex: ²Ludwig van Beethoven, Piano Sonata no. 29, 
                Rudolph Serkin, ProArte, MP3, 1992.


Attribution: DePauw University Libraries, Turabian/Chicago Style, Music Citations