The following resources are all related to student success areas. These topics have been pulled from the Associate Degree Nursing Exit Interview Prescriptions.
[DVD] "Learn how to enhance the study skills of today's youth. Explore how to improve overall test scores, improve study habits, and understand the amount of dedication it takes in order to obtain academic excellence. "- LINCC Catalog
[DVD] "Contents: disc 1. 1. Understanding your unique intelligence ; Developing effective habits in class ; Working cooperatively in groups ; Managing time and organizing spaces ; Taking charge of homework ; Developing a creative mind -- disc 2. Thinking critically ; Diving into research ; Writing well ; Delivering dynamic presentations ; Taking control of tests ; Finding balance -- disc 3. Parent's guide: Managing your child's education ; Understanding how we learn ; Helping with homework ; Working with teachers ; Preparing for college and the future ; Parenting with balance. "-LINCC Catalog
[DVD] "Seminars provide students with information on how to succeed in college by learning more in less time. Tips range from knowing where to sit in class to how to study for tests. "- LINCC Catalog
[DVD] "Notes: Students making the transition from high school to college face many challenges. Students who know the ropes and education experts share facts, hints, insights and observations.This six-part series will help students make the most of their college academic experience. "
Students will discover a variety of different note-taking methods including: outlining, mapping, sentence, and charting methods. They will also become familiar with the components of the lecture and the importance of active listening and much more.
[DVD] "Outlines the skills students need to effectively record and learn information presented in class. Features the Cornell Notetaking Method, which stresses organization and prompt review. "- LINCC Catalog
[DVD] "Antonio breaks down key elements to find out if you are a procrastinator. An educational priority list and its components are shown. Different ways of setting academic goals are included. "-LINCC Catalog
[DVD] "Presents three strategies to help students make better use of their time. Includes use of a term calendar, a weekly schedule and a daily "to-do list." "- LINCC Catalog