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LLC Handbook: Access

This guide provides information regarding LLC operations at Florida State College at Jacksonville.

General LLC Access Information

The LLC is an instructional area open to faculty, staff of FSCJ, and students currently enrolled in an FSCJ course for which learning support services are provided. Individuals from institutions with reciprocal borrowing agreements with the College may utilize the LLC facility.

Use of LLC services and facilities implies full acceptance of LLC access standards and all FSCJ policies, including FSCJ’s Student Handbook and the College’s Computing Facilities Policies.

Individuals using campus or center facilities and services may be asked for information related to their visit for security purposes, and to assist in statistical reporting of LLC services provided to the College community.

A valid FSCJ identification card must be presented upon request, and is required to borrow materials and print/copy. Individuals using LLC facilities must assist in maintaining an environment conducive to learning and follow appropriate codes of conduct.

Cell phone usage is allowed; however, cell phone conversations must be at a level that does not disturb other LLC patrons.

Access to Online Services

The LLC's electronic resources (databases, e-books, video collections, and more) are available to faculty, staff, and currently enrolled FSCJ students.  The virtual resources and services are particularly helpful to distance learners, dual enrollment students taking classes at off-site locations, students taking classes at the military base locations, or even campus-based students who are seeking convenient access to materials.

Access is based on the individual’s status with the institution, and some materials are available remotely (off-campus) while some are restricted to access from campus only. Staff members at each location are available to help with requests for specific articles or information.

After completing the admissions and enrollment process, students are given access to myFSCJ a Web-based information portal. Students may access the College’s electronic LLC materials from any location via a single sign-on access point within myFSCJ which also enables students to link to the LLC’s website. The LLC has created a collection of LibGuides for 24/7 access to library resources. These resources include numerous academic support materials, videos, digital handouts, and linkage to additional e-resources outside of FSCJ.

Computer Access

Computers are available to currently enrolled FSCJ students with priority access for users completing academic work.

Computers and wireless access require login using an FSCJ “username” and “password”.

Computer activities are monitored, and users are responsible for all activity conducted under an assigned FSCJ ID. To avoid security issues, students and staff should not share access information with others and always log out of computers. Accessing unlawful material or sharing files illegally is strictly prohibited. It is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct to access publicly images, sounds, or messages that could reasonably be expected to create an atmosphere of harassment.

Services for Students with Disabilities

LLC staff and faculty make every effort to ensure students with documented disabilities have access to all LLC services and resources. Adaptive technology stations and equipment are available at various LLC locations. Examples of available resources include Zoom Text and Jaws software, Merlin (an image enlarger), Brailler (available by contacting Student Support Services), and Sorenson VRS (Video Relay Service). Students with documented disabilities may discuss arrangements and procedures for using accommodative services and resources with the Student Support Services and LLC staff members. Other reasonable accommodations and learning tools are available upon request.

Suspension or Revocation of LLC Access Privileges

Users violating FSCJ policies, or disrupting the academic environment of the LLC will be asked to leave the facility. Campus security may be asked to intervene as needed. The privilege of accessing the facility and using resources may be suspended or revoked due to unacceptable behavior or violation of College policies.

Minor Children in the LLC

An adult parent or guardian must accompany all minor children not currently enrolled in FSCJ classes at all times and only for short term visits. Please see the College’s policies in the FSCJ Student Handbook section Children on Campus (page 18) for additional direction regarding minors on campus.


Printing and photocopying are available to currently enrolled students at a charge of 10¢ per page. An ID card is required for printing. Print funds may be added to the ID through myFSCJ.

Printing and copying are available in black and white only. All copy printing is subject to applicable copyright restrictions. Signage on library copier’s states:

“Notice: The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. The person using this equipment is responsible for any infringement.”

Audio-Visual / Multimedia Production

The scope of audio-visual / multimedia production services for faculty varies by location and may be available in your Faculty Resource Center (FRC). Check with the Faculty Development Specialist for availability.

Media Viewing

Most LLC media materials are accessible through personal or public computers. Listening and viewing equipment for media in formats not accessible through LLC computer workstations may be available at some facilities upon request. Please contact the local campus or center LLC for specific availability.

Study Rooms

Study rooms are available by reservation at some LLC facilities. Priority is given to groups of two or more individuals to use group study rooms.

LLC Data Collection

Individuals using campus or center facilities and services are encouraged to log in to LLC sign-in terminals (EAB Navigate), which utilize a tracking system to gather information related to their visit and to assist in statistical reporting of LLC services provided to the College community via the LLC’s Assessment page. While login requirements and data collection instruments vary, the information gathered may include the number of tutoring sessions held, the number and type of workshops offered and the number of attendees, the number of library orientations held and the number of attendees, the number of classroom visits by staff, the number and type of reference and circulation desk transactions, and headcounts in the facility at various times and locations. Data are used for program evaluation and improvement.

Statistics are collected on use of virtual resources and services to gauge the appropriateness and accessibility of LLC resources offered to the College community. Students and faculty are invited to complete surveys and assessments regarding engagement with LLC resources and services to ensure target outcomes are met for intended activities.

User privacy is of utmost concern to the LLC. Personal data should not be shared beyond that which is required for system access control and evaluation. Data are used for reporting LLC and FSCJ program assessment purposes.