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LLC Handbook: Library Instructional and Reference Services

This guide provides information regarding LLC operations at Florida State College at Jacksonville.

Library Instructional and Reference Services

Highly qualified faculty librarians who hold a minimum of a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science provide library instruction and reference services.  Library instruction is provided in many formats, both for individual students and for classes/groups. Orientations and instructional presentations may be tailored for specific subject areas. Instructors from all disciplines are encouraged to request customized library instruction for their classes, especially those that contain research and writing assignments. Methods of instruction include lecture/demonstration, use of audio-visual materials, computerized adaptive instruction, and individual instruction. Contact any LLC Reference Desk for more information, or see Make an Appointment to request a library orientation online.

The LLC encourages faculty to schedule a library research orientation with their students, especially when there is an upcoming research paper or group project. During the orientation, the librarian will demonstrate student online access to LLC resources. Students will find the demonstration useful when expected to navigate our library catalog and databases for scholarly sources. In addition, students will learn how to find resources available outside of the FSCJ campus libraries, including on the Internet. If desired, instructors can also schedule a tour with the orientation. The research orientation to the paper or project can be tailored to meet the faculty member’s request. Contact your campus library or go online to complete an Orientation Request form.

Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education

In 2016, the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) adopted The Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education. The ACRL developed this framework to help librarians and faculty integrate core concepts of information literacy into student learning in a variety of disciplines. The updated version of information literacy standards emphasizes contextual understanding of information use and critical thinking. This is a shift from the previous ACRL standards from 2000, which were competency-based. Academic libraries refer to the ACRL Framework when developing information literacy instruction. The Framework’s core concepts are inter-connected, and in no particular order:

  • Authority is Constructed and Contextual
  • Information Creation is a Process
  • Information Has Value
  • Research as Inquiry
  • Scholarship as Conversation
  • Searching as Strategic Exploration

During library research orientations, the focus is on the concepts of Searching as Strategic Exploration and Information Has Value. The Library and Learning Commons would welcome collaboration with faculty to teach other concepts of the Framework. Please contact your campus librarian if interested.

LIS 1001: Introduction to College Research

FSCJ faculty librarians have developed a three-credit course that teaches students how to conduct research at the college level.  Below is a brief outline of the course.

LIS1001: Introduction to College Research

  • Prepares students for college level research including:
    • Research concepts and search strategies
    • Source evaluation and critical thinking
    • Issues of copyright and academic integrity
  • A.A. Elective (3 credit hours)
  • Zero textbook costs

Librarian Qualifications

FSCJ librarians hold faculty status just as teaching faculty. Full time librarians are covered under the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between FSCJ and the Faculty Union. Librarians meet all the employment qualifications of all faculty, and are accorded the same rights and responsibilities as outlined in the Faculty Handbook. Part-time librarians are “adjunct faculty” and have the same rights and responsibilities as all FSCJ adjunct faculty. More information regarding faculty is available on the Human Resources webpage under Faculty Resources.

Librarians at FSCJ have all earned Master’s degrees in Library Sciences and related fields from American Library Association accredited institutions. As such, they are qualified to teach not only information literacy courses, but also other entry level courses offered at the college such as IDS and Honors courses. Librarians stay current in their professions by attending (and teaching) professional development courses offered at the College through the Academy of Teaching and Learning (ATL). Additionally, librarians attend (and teach) sessions through the various Affiliated Organizations listed in section 14. Adjunct librarians provide vital support services to students and faculty at the College. Training is provided “on the job” and is supported through online instructional support through an Adjunct Librarian Training LibGuide.

Library Assistants and Student Assistants

Library Assistants

Library Assistants (LAs) play vital support roles in the LLC by providing “front line” patron services at the Circulation /Service desks, inventory maintenance, and many other important service areas. To stay abreast of ever evolving library systems, resources, and services, LAs are provided “on-the-job” training at work. Additional online training is offered via resources such as the Technical Services guide. 26

Student Assistants

Students enrolled at FSCJ also play a vital role as part-time employees in the LLC, and receive training on-the-job and through the online Student Assistant Library Training Guide.