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FSCJ LLC Annual Review 2021-2022

Data reports and statistics from the FSCJ Library and Learning Commons for the Academic Year 2021-22.

Welcome from the Dean

During the 2021-22 academic year, the FSCJ Library and Learning Commons (LLC) welcomed the return of many faculty and students to campus. As more on-campus instruction resumed, the FSCJ LLC pivoted to meet the needs of students returning to campus while maintaining a high level of service for faculty and students accessing the library online. Librarians continued to offer a variety of methods for support in the online setting, including being embedded in classes, creating instructional modules in Canvas, and providing real-time assistance via chat. Students, faculty, and staff continued to utilize FSCJ LLC's online resources, particularly in the area of streaming video and ebooks. The launch of the Florida SHARES collection through the Axis 360 app is a new way to offer e-Audio and eBooks to our patrons to be easily accessed on mobile devices. In response to the digital divide, the FSCJ LLC continues to be the distribution point at the college for loaning laptops and wifi hotspots, critical tools to help support student success and to ensure that all FSCJ students have access to our wealth of resources. 

Tutoring services continue to be highly successful and sought after by students. Successful initiatives to encourage faculty to refer students to tutoring through MyFSCJ aid in student success and completion. And the ability of our FSCJ Academic Tutors to provide online tutoring through Brainfuse helps address the needs of students who are learning online or who have difficulties remaining on campus due to transportation, home responsibilities, and other constraints. Brainfuse's tutors help fill the gaps in coverage and allow us to meet the needs of students virtually 24/7.

The faculty and staff of the FSCJ LLC are proud of all we accomplished in 2021-22 and look forward to continuing this vital work in the 2022-23 academic year.


Dr. Susan Mythen, Dean of Library and Tutoring Services

FSCJ LLC Organizational Chart