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FSCJ LLC Annual Review 2021-2022

Data reports and statistics from the FSCJ Library and Learning Commons for the Academic Year 2021-22.

LLC Strategic Planning 2021

The LLC's strategic planning efforts are designed to support and positively impact the College's wider strategic improvement efforts. More information on the college's VIP (Visionary Impact Plan) 2.0 Strategic Plan is available here:

The LLC's 2021 strategic planning process has been documented here: with highlights on the 2021 Strategic Planning page of this guide. 


SACS-COC Accreditation

The LLC is currently working on contributing to the submission of the 10-year Reaffirmation of Accreditation Compliance Certification Report (pending March 2023) with a focus on Standards 8.2 (Outcomes Assessment) and 11.1-11.3 (Library and Learning/Information Resources).