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FSCJ OER Courses

The following OER courses are available for FSCJ faculty as full Canvas course shells. The complete list is available on the Faculty Exchange website. Contact the Center for eLearning (CeL) for access: 


book cover      Liberal Arts Mathematics by Saburo Matsumoto (2019): College of the Canyons. 

One of the primary goals of this book is to answer some of these questions through logic and mathematics. This is particularly important in the Internet-dominated, media-centered, and information-driven age in which we find ourselves living today. With new technologies, it is becoming much easier for businesses and organizations to send out deceptive messages and misleading advertisements, and they can target specific individuals based on their online activities. Throughout this book you will find data, numbers, and statements that can be presented honestly or dishonestly in a deceptive manner. They may be numbers, percentages, odds, statistics, or written sentences.

book cover      Prealgebra (2nd Edition) by Various Authors (2020): OpenStax. 

Prealgebra 2e is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for a one-semester prealgebra or basic math course. The book’s organization makes it easy to adapt to a variety of course syllabi. The text introduces the fundamental concepts of algebra while addressing the needs of students with diverse backgrounds and learning styles. Each topic builds upon previously developed material to demonstrate the cohesiveness and structure of mathematics.

book cover      Elementary Algebra (2nd Edition) by Various Authors (2020): OpenStax. 

Elementary Algebra 2e is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for a one-semester elementary algebra course. The book’s organization makes it easy to adapt to a variety of course syllabi. The text expands on the fundamental concepts of algebra while addressing the needs of students with diverse backgrounds and learning styles. Each topic builds upon previously developed material to demonstrate the cohesiveness and structure of mathematics.

book cover      Intermediate Algebra (2nd Edition) by Various Authors (2020): OpenStax. 

Intermediate Algebra 2e is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of a one-semester intermediate algebra course. The book’s organization makes it easy to adapt to a variety of course syllabi. The text expands on the fundamental concepts of algebra while addressing the needs of students with diverse backgrounds and learning styles. The material is presented as a sequence of clear steps, building on concepts presented in prealgebra and elementary algebra courses.

book cover      College Algebra by Various Authors (2020): OpenStax. 

College Algebra provides a comprehensive exploration of algebraic principles and meets scope and sequence requirements for a typical introductory algebra course. The modular approach and richness of content ensure that the book meets the needs of a variety of courses. College Algebra offers a wealth of examples with detailed, conceptual explanations, building a strong foundation in the material before asking students to apply what they’ve learned.

book cover      Geometry with an Introduction to Cosmic Topology by Michael P. Hitchman (2017): Michael P. Hitchman. 

Motivated by questions in cosmology, the open-content text Geometry with an Introduction to Cosmic Topology uses Mobius transformations to develop hyperbolic, elliptic, and Euclidean geometry - three possibilities for the global geometry of the universe. The text, written for students who have taken vector calculus, also explores the interplay between the shape of a space and the type of geometry it admits. Geometry is suitable for a semester course in non-Euclidean geometry or as a guide to independent study, with over 200 exercises and several essays on topics including the history of geometry, parallax and curvature, and research aimed at determining the shape of the universe.

book cover      Intermediate Algebra for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics by Darlene Diaz (2020): Santiago 
      Canyon College. 

This textbook is an adaptation from Tyler Wallace’s Beginning and Intermediate Algebra, and Diaz's authored work. This is a  textbook for a stem-track intermediate algebra, Intermediate Algebra for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, that was licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution. Diaz used most of Wallace textbook’s examples in addition to her authored materials in order to fit the course outline of record for SCC’s Intermediate Algebra.

book cover      Algebra and Trigonometry by Various Authors (2020): OpenStax. 

Algebra and Trigonometry provides a comprehensive exploration of algebraic principles and meets scope and sequence requirements for a typical introductory algebra and trigonometry course. The modular approach and the richness of content ensure that the book meets the needs of a variety of courses. Algebra and Trigonometry offers a wealth of examples with detailed, conceptual explanations, building a strong foundation in the material before asking students to apply what they’ve learned.

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       Trigonometry by Ted Sundstrom (2016): Grand Valley State University. 

This trigonometry textbook is different than other trigonometry books in that it is free to download, and the reader is expected to do more than read the book and is expected to study the material in the book by working out examples rather than just reading about them. So this book is not just about mathematical content but is also about the process of learning and doing mathematics. That is, this book is designed not to be just casually read but rather to be engaged.

book cover      A First Course in Linear Algebra by K. Kuttler (2017): Lyryx. 

A First Course in Linear Algebra, originally by K. Kuttler, has been redesigned by the Lyryx editorial team as a first course for the general students who have an understanding of basic high school algebra and intend to be users of linear algebra methods in their profession, from business & economics to science students. All major topics of linear algebra are available in detail, as well as justifications of important results. 

book cover      Linear Algebra with Applications by W. Keith Nicholson (2019): Lyryx. 

Linear Algebra with Applications by W. Keith Nicholson, traditionally published for many years is now being released as an open educational resource and part of Lyryx with Open Texts! Supporting today’s students and instructors requires much more than a textbook, which is why Dr. Nicholson opted to work with Lyryx Learning.

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      Linear Algebra: A Course for Physicists and Engineers by Arak M. Mathai and Hans J. Haubold (2017): De Gruyter.

Intended for students of physics, engineering, satellite communication, space and atmospheric sciences, climate and meteorology. Covers matrices, vectors, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and applications. In order not to intimidate students by a too abstract approach, this textbook on linear algebra is written to be easy to digest by non-mathematicians. It introduces the concepts of vector spaces and mappings between them without dwelling on statements such as theorems and proofs too much. It is also designed to be self-contained, so no other material is required for an understanding of the topics covered.

book cover      Precalculus by Various Authors (2020): OpenStax. 

Precalculus is adaptable and designed to fit the needs of a variety of precalculus courses. It is a comprehensive text that covers more ground than a typical one- or two-semester college-level precalculus course. The content is organized by clearly-defined learning objectives and includes worked examples that demonstrate problem-solving approaches in an accessible way.

book club      Active Prelude to Calculus by Matthew Boelkins (2019): Grand Valley State University Libraries.

Active Prelude to Calculus is designed for college students who aspire to take calculus and who either need to take a course to prepare them for calculus or want to do some additional self-study. Many of the core topics of the course will be familiar to students who have completed high school. At the same time, we take a perspective on every topic that emphasizes how it is important in calculus.

book cover      Calculus by Various Authors (2020): OpenStax. 

Calculus is designed for the typical two- or three-semester general calculus course, incorporating innovative features to enhance student learning. The book guides students through the core concepts of calculus and helps them understand how those concepts apply to their lives and the world around them. Due to the comprehensive nature of the material, we are offering the book in three volumes for flexibility and efficiency. Volume 1 covers functions, limits, derivatives, and integration. Volume 2 covers integration, differential equations, sequences and series, and parametric equations and polar coordinates. Volume 3 covers parametric equations and polar coordinates, vectors, functions of several variables, multiple integration, and second-order differential equations.

book cover      Calculus: Early Transcendentals by D. Guichard (2017): Lyryx. 

Calculus: Early Transcendentals, originally by D. Guichard, has been redesigned by the Lyryx editorial team. Substantial portions of the content, examples, and diagrams have been redeveloped, with additional contributions provided by experienced and practicing instructors. This approachable textbook provides a comprehensive understanding of the necessary techniques and concepts of the typical Calculus course sequence, and is suitable for the standard Calculus I, II and III courses.

book cover      Active Calculus by Matthew Boelkins (2020): Grand Valley State University. 

Active Calculus is different from most existing calculus texts: the text is freely readable online in HTML format and is also available for in PDF; in the electronic format, graphics are in full color and there are live links to java applets; there are live WeBWorK exercises in each chapter, which are fully interactive in the HTML format and included in print in the PDF; the text is open source. Following the WeBWorK exercises in each section, there are several challenging problems that require students to connect key ideas and write to communicate their understanding. 

book cover      Active Calculus Multivariable by Steven Schlicker (2020): Grand Valley State University. 

Active Calculus Multivariable is the continuation of Active Calculus to multivariable functions. The Active Calculus texts are different from most existing calculus texts: is different from most existing calculus texts: the text is freely readable online in HTML format and is also available for in PDF; in the electronic format, graphics are in full color and there are live links to java applets; there are live WeBWorK exercises in each chapter, which are fully interactive in the HTML format and included in print in the PDF; the text is open source. Following the WeBWorK exercises in each section, there are several challenging problems that require students to connect key ideas and write to communicate their understanding.



Additional Resources

Accessible Math (Diagram Center)

AIM: OER Math Books (American Institute of Mathematics) 

ck12 Subjects: Math (ck12)

Coconino Community College Math OER (CCC) 

Gizmos (Explore Learning)

IntechOpen Math Textbooks (IntechOpen)

Khan Academy: Math (Khan Academy)

List of OER books (OpenTextBookStore)

Mathematics Bookshelf (LibreTexts)

My Open Math Learning Website 

Precalculus Text & Course Archive (University of Washington)

Saylor Math Course List (Saylor Academy)

Scottsdale Community College Math Blog (SCC Faculty)

Seeing Theory: A Visual Intro to Probability and Statistics (Brown University)