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Zero Textbook Cost

This guide is designed for FSCJ faculty to discover learning objects and other open educational resources. Faculty will also find information on adding and uploading content to share with colleagues.


book cover      Libro Libre: Beginning Spanish by Erin Huebner (2020): Spokane Community College/LibreTexts. 

With all of the expertly written and edited Spanish textbooks on the market (most of which are accompanied by beautiful interactive websites), many instructors enjoy and trust the quality, ready-made materials that large publishers offer. I know this because I was one of them. However, over time I grew concerned about the cost of my traditional textbook. Having taught with several other books over the years, I felt confident these issues were not specific to our current text. It was time to look for a solution, and the answer was to adopt Open Educational Resources. In my research, I found some great low-cost materials; however, my goal was to find something I could adapt to fit my teaching style that was editable, printable, and no-cost beyond printing. Coming up empty-handed, I decided to write this book and to publish it under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license so that others may use, adapt, and share this material.

       Hola a Todos: Elementary Spanish I by Mariana Stone (University System of Georgia) - 2018

This is a preliminary Open Textbook as created by the UNG Elementary Spanish I grant team using a Round Six Textbook Transformation Grant. The textbook is currently composed of original instructional materials created for the OER-based course, and the team is working to create a full open textbook at a later date.

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License


      Elementary Spanish I by Ana Ivette Serrano (2016): Penn State.

For both, the teacher and student alike, this Spanish I book is intended for a first-year, college Elementary Spanish I level. It also attempts to make the study of a language in this case, Spanish, more than another required subject. Eliminating the artificial limitation of the traditional textbook, offers the teacher and the student the ability to tailor the content to their own needs. Also, this book tries to show the value of learning a second language from a high quality pedagogical criteria at a low cost solution.


book cover      Entrada Libre: Intermediate/Advanced Spanish Manual by Nancy Ballesteros, Alejandro Lee, & Cristina Moon (2020):
      ASCCC OERI. 

Entrada libre is an intermediate/advanced college-level Spanish OER grammar manual for second language learners and heritage speakers of Spanish at the community college level. Instructors will be able to download the entire manual as well as the H5P activities library or use the OER Remixer from LibreTexts to adapt, edit, and customize content and publish it in their LMS. Each of the 24 units includes a reading with examples of the grammar points used in context, grammar explanation, and self-graded follow-up activities for practice using H5P as a formative assessment. Entrada libre can be used with Acceso, an existing open-access project created by the University of Kansas which contains great cultural readings and resources for intermediate and advanced levels.

book cover      Spanish Grammar Manual by Enrique Yepes (2020): LibreTexts. 

This is a bilingual grammar manual for advanced students. It can be used for general review and reference in courses from second-year Spanish and up.
Este es un manual bilingüe de gramática para estudiantes avanzados, útil para repaso general y referencia en cursos a partir del segundo año de español como lengua extranjera.


Additional Resources

Aprende Español con Libretexts (Learn Spanish with Libretexts)

Approvechalo (WikiBooks)

Antología Abierta de Literatura Hispana (Ward/LibreTexts)

CSU Pueblo World Languages 

Leyendas y arquetipos del Romanticismo español (Sanders/LibreTexts)

Open Educational Resources and Spanish (ASCCC OERI)

PLUMA Volumes

Spanish 101 (HBCC course)

Spanish II (Celis/LibreTexts)

SPAN 301: Manual de Gramatica (Oechler/LibreTexts)

Spanish Bookshelf (LibreTexts)

Spanish by Choice (WikiBooks)

Spanish Lessons (YouTube licensed)

Spanish Resources (MERLOT)