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FSCJ Art Galleries: 34th Annual Student Exhibit of Art and Design (2021)

A digital rendition of FSCJ's art galleries.

2021 Student Annual

34th Annual Student Exhibit of Art and Design

April 19 – 28, 2021


The Student Exhibit of Art and Design is held at the end of each academic year and showcases the remarkable talents of our students in a variety of media. Juror Erin Kendrick selected 100 works for exhibition and awarded a number of prizes including Best in Show and first, second and third in each media category. In addition, sponsors selected other pieces to receive the Larry Davis Award of Excellence and the Norman Will Memorial Purchase Awards.

Special thanks to our donors Robert and Thelma Nied for supporting the Best in Show and Media Category awards, and to Jean Shepard (Norman Will Memorial Purchase Awards), Larry Davis (Larry Davis Award of Excellence) and Reddi Arts.




Download a copy of the awards booklet and the exhibit program below.

Virtual Tour of 2021 Student Annual Exhibit

Images - right click for larger image




This group show includes works by: 

Samantha Aldana, Kon Awet, Jameek Barnes, Robin Price, Jeffrey Putnam, Haleigh Canady, Alexandra Caramante, Toni Cason, Victoria Cason, Briggitte Caves Falla, Hadley Clifton, Luca Colado, Emily Czerkawski, Jamyan Dampier, Gabriella Dous, Kaylee Estawislao, Ash Frank, Desiree Garner, Nia Glenn, Lynnrae Gonzales, Charlee Guillaume, Christofer Floyd, Robert Hulsey, Dawn Montgomery, Marie Rodriguez Arias, Morgan Janota, Jazmine Jones, Thomas Lamm, Destiny Lawson, Zalina Lodivero, Delaney Ludvigsen, Taryn Mangram, Lindsay Manning, Samantha Rancifer, Danny Miller, Hamal Mujtoba, Sabrina Olivera, Whitney Perez, David Piedra, Robin Price, Armando Quintanilla, Francisco Ramirez, Ivy Ton, Caleigh Robinson, Marie Rodriguez Arias, Crystal Schelldorf, Brenda Schwend, Riddhi Shah, Christyna Skaruppa, Cameron Smithgall, Katina Buckner, Rachel Srisouvanh, Raquel Tueni, Taryn Towsley, Macha'i Taylor, Emily Timmons, Jullian Tocasuche, Denver Torruella, Linton McClain, Stephen Trask, Lisamae Tuliao, Roseann Turner, Thomas Hardin, Allejandra Villegas, Heather Whipps, Ethan Wilson, Natalie Woodin.