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Worth Quoting (Interviews): Elizabeth Seydel Morgan

Worth Quoting was made possible by Florida Community College at Jacksonville. The series was recorded from 1985 to 2005, and features a powerful collection of interviews.
Interviewee Elizabeth Seydel Morgan
Interviewer Mary Sue Koeppel
Subject Poetry

Copyright 1989 Florida Community College at Jacksonville



Poet Elizabeth Seydel Morgan discusses how she became a poet and the influences on her work, and reads many of her original poems aloud such as Heron and All my Friends Pets are Growing Old.



Poetry, contemporary poetry, creative writing, author reading, literary analysis

Elizabeth Seydel Morgan

Morgan, E.S. (1989). Interviewed by Koeppel, M.S.  [Video Recording]. Worth Quoting. YouTube, Jacksonville, Florida.

Run time:  28 minutes