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Worth Quoting (Interviews): Hazel Henderson - Think Globally, Act Locally

Worth Quoting was made possible by Florida Community College at Jacksonville. The series was recorded from 1985 to 2005, and features a powerful collection of interviews.
Interviewee Hazel Henderson  
Interviewer Carol Spalding Miner
Subject Think Globally, Act Locally

Copyright 1990  Florida Community College at Jacksonville



Author, futurist, and evolutionary economist Hazel Henderson urges viewers to "think globally, act locally".  In other words: to recognize how political, economic, and business actions at the local level affect the world at large.



"think globally, act locally" business, environmentalism, economics, politics

Hazel Henderson-Think Globally, Act Locally

Henderson, H. (1990). Interviewed by C. Miner  [Video Recording]. Worth Quoting. YouTube, Jacksonville, Florida.

Run time: 28 minutes