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Worth Quoting (Interviews): Hazel Henderson and Elisabet Sahtouris - Citizen Participation

Worth Quoting was made possible by Florida Community College at Jacksonville. The series was recorded from 1985 to 2005, and features a powerful collection of interviews.
Interviewees Hazel Henderson and Elisabet Sahtouris
Interviewer Carol Spalding Miner
Subject Economic policy that protects the environment
Segment Third

Copyright 1992  Florida Community College at Jacksonville



In the final segment of a three part series, Sahtouris and Henderson conclude their discussion arguing for economic policy with an eye toward protecting the environment. The pair stress citizen responsibility for protecting the environment, and focus on democracy in our society. They continue to speak about the world as a living system and how we need to be shifting towards prevention and organic methods in order to live in harmony with nature.



Biology, Green economics, environmentalism, economic policy, democracy 

Hazel Henderson and Elisabet Sahtouris- Citizen Participation

Henderson, H and E. Sahtouris. (1992). Interviewed by C Miner  [Video Recording]. Worth Quoting. YouTube, Jacksonville, Florida.

Run time: 28 minutes